Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Sérgio Inacio do Nascimento

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Sérgio Inacio do Nascimento
DATE: 28/09/2023
TIME: 14:00

What are human rights for the far right?


Far right. Human rights. Ideology. Policy.

BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Ciência Política
The victory of Jair Messias Bolsonaro in the 2018 election for president of Brazil, positioned the extreme right in power, with him and his supporters or part of them acting in a highly conflictual and authoritarian way with threats and endangering institutions, the State of Law, Democracy and human rights (in the case of the latter, denying, and sometimes presenting his own vision).
The 2022 election brought Lula back for a third term as president of the republic. A day after his victory, a series of coup and anti-democratic demonstrations began throughout Brazil, with people camped outside various Armed Forces barracks and blocked highways, calling for the Armed Forces to carry out a coup, and a day after he was sworn in, December 12, 2022, violent protests took place in Brasilia against Lula's victory.
Then, on January 8, 2023, there were attacks on the National Congress, the Federal Supreme Court and the Planalto Palace, institutions and symbols of the rule of law, the three powers and democracy, not to mention the different positions on social media, it is in this bellicose scenario that I propose the research that seeks to understand what human rights are for the extreme right.
In Brazilian democracy, the rule of law and the three powers have a fundamental political and legal role in the existence, promotion, guarantee, enforcement of human rights, and in their non-effectiveness, thus, they are targets of the Brazilian extreme right in their view of what are and are not human rights, how they should work, to whom they should be allocated, how institutions and established powers should work.
This research has as object and target people of the extreme right in the city of Anápolis, State of Goiás. The words and speeches of the interviewees will be observed and analyzed, considering and verifying their ideological links with political actors, personalities and social movements of the extreme right, based on the choice of a theoretical and conceptual framework that ideologically addresses the extreme right and human rights.
The question that structures this research is: what are human rights for the extreme right? From the question presented and as a starting point, the general objective is to know what are the ideological and political foundations of the extreme right's understanding of human rights? In the development and unfolding of the general objective, of this process of knowing the perspective of the extreme right on human rights, specific objectives are designed with the intention of identifying how social class, gender, race, freedom and equality are perceived in the understanding of human rights from the extreme right.
The research design is qualitative, descriptive and analytical. The method in this design uses Max Weber's comprehensive sociological theory. However, while the focus is on the individual, there is a need to complement it with the dialectical approach as developed by Engels."The methodology in the design of the research uses the semi-structured interview technique with people from the extreme right field on the subject of human rights, based on some fundamental themes about civil, political, social rights and more recent themes.
For the analysis of the interviews, it is intended to use discourse analysis, based on what Van Leeuwen suggests to analyze how discourses build legitimacy for social practices in public and private communication. In these two spheres, the author proposes four base categories for the legitimation of discourses, such as authorization, moral evaluation, rationalization and mythopoesis.

Externo à Instituição - JOSÉ SANTANA DA SILVA - UEG
Presidente - 1929118 - PABLO HOLMES CHAVES
Interna - 2521737 - REBECCA NEAERA ABERS
Notícia cadastrada em: 20/09/2023 14:46
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