Banca de DEFESA: Matheus Navarra Satuf Muniz

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Matheus Navarra Satuf Muniz
DATE: 21/06/2024
TIME: 15:00
LOCAL: Sala Teams (On-line)

Evaluation of moist tamping sample reconstitution method on mechanical behavior of iron ore tailings disposed in filtered tailings dry stack piles.


Iron ore, flotation filtered tailings, sample reconstitution, moist tamping, mechanical behavior, tailings’s fabric

PAGES: 120
BIG AREA: Engenharias
AREA: Engenharia Civil
SUBÁREA: Geotécnica

In the last 10 years, the Brazilian population has experienced two significant accidents in mining containment tailings dams. In 2015 it happened the failure of Fundão dam, in Mariana, releasing 40 million cubic meters of tailings into the environment. In 2019, B1 dam, in Brumadinho, which its failure released 12 million cubic meters of tailings, leading to the loss of more than 250 people. As the demand for iron ore production grows exponentially on the world scenario, tailings production also increases significantly. Therefore, it becomes mandatory to study and evaluate safer structures for the disposal of these materials. The filtered tailings stack pile technique stands out, as it does not hold a reservoir formation and is accompanied by strict technological control for its construction. It is known that the molding of tailings specimens for tests in the laboratory is of extreme importance for the performance of tests. It is also essential for the operational control of the filtered tailings stack pile, since the gathering of disturbed samples in the field is more expedite and simpler, when compared with gathering of undisturbed samples. Among the existing molding methods, the “moist tamping” technique was applied for the reconstitution of tailings samples collected in the field. This method, despite being widely disseminated, there are few studies and analyzes that evaluate the method’s quality and efficacy in faithfully reproduce the behavior of the compacted undisturbed tailings samples collected in the field. Thus, complete characterization tests (grain size distribution, grain real density, Atterberg limits), oedometer compressibility tests, direct simple shear test, and an attempt at cyclic direct simple shear test, in addition to tests for the fabric analysis of the material, among them Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Nitrogen Adsorption Porosimetry (BET test), in samples reconstituted in the laboratory and in undisturbed samples collected in the field, to evaluate the tailings mechanical behavior and its fabric. The results obtained between the two qualities of samples present similarity, corroborating with the representativeness of the moist tamping reconstitution method for disturbed samples, in relation to the undisturbed samples

Externo à Instituição - GUSTAVO MARCAL DE SOUSA - UFOP
Externo ao Programa - 1293542 - JOSE WILSON DOS SANTOS FERREIRA - nullPresidente - 1519113 - MICHELE DAL TOE CASAGRANDE
Notícia cadastrada em: 23/05/2024 11:56
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