Banca de DEFESA: Pedro Baena de Mesquita

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Pedro Baena de Mesquita
DATE: 22/07/2022
TIME: 15:00
LOCAL: Hibrido: InfraLab e plataforma Teams



1. Fractured rock mass 2. Discrete fracture network 3. Water flow 4. Drainage

PAGES: 161
BIG AREA: Engenharias
AREA: Engenharia Civil
SUBÁREA: Geotécnica
SPECIALTY: Mecânicas das Rochas

Horizontal drains are frequently used as a mean to reduce porepressure and improve block stability in fractured rock masses. Given the difficulties in data collection, discrete fracture networks (DFNs) are a useful tool for water flow studies, as they enable the stochastic representation of discontinuities and the generation of many models. The objective of this work was to calculate water flow in DFNs and to provide guidance for the design of more efficient drainage systems. A computational code was developed for this purpose, based on equilibrium at the nodes, through saturated meshes created with the UnBlocksGen program. Different values for mean and standard deviations of hydraulic aperture were tested for the Monte Seco rock mass, and water flow was simulated with three different hydraulic aperture hypotheses: constant, variable and correlated with the discontinuities’ length. Water flow was then calculated for the Yangfanggou, El Teniente and Monte Seco rock masses using the method of Reeves et al. (2013) with constant and variable hydraulic apertures, to determine drain length and orientation. The efficiency of drainage was tested for the Monte Seco rock mass on the basis of drain length, orientation, and quantity. The results showed that water flow increased significantly with mean hydraulic aperture, but decreased for higher values of the standard deviation of hydraulic aperture. Water flow through the meshes was greater for hydraulic aperture correlated with discontinuity length, followed by constant hydraulic aperture and, lastly, variable hydraulic aperture. When hydraulic aperture was used instead of transmissivity with the method of Reeves et al. (2013) results were strongly influenced by boundary conditions, making the determination of drain length more difficult. Drainage efficiency was greater for drains orthogonal to the rock face and for longer drains. Furthermore, fewer but longer drains were more efficient than a larger number of shorter drains. The results obtained may help to better design water drainage systems.

Presidente - 3138091 - LEANDRO LIMA RASMUSSEN
Interno - 3132829 - RAFAEL CERQUEIRA SILVA
Externo à Instituição - ALOMIR FAVERO NETO
Notícia cadastrada em: 19/07/2022 19:07
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