Banca de DEFESA: André Rodrigues

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : André Rodrigues
DATE: 27/01/2023
TIME: 15:00
LOCAL: UnB e Teams

Use of MediNa in basic asphalt pavement solutions in the Federal District


Paving; Mechanistic-Empirical Method; Dimensioning; Federal District; Quality Control; MeDiNa.

PAGES: 213
BIG AREA: Engenharias
AREA: Engenharia Civil
SUBÁREA: Geotécnica
SPECIALTY: Pavimentos

The computational program MeDiNa allows the verification and empirical mechanistic design of asphalt pavement structures through the application of the theory of multiple elastic layers. Among its functionalities is obtaining parameters of deformability of layer materials, which allow evaluating the behavior of existing pavements by means of retroanalysis of deflectometric basins. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to initially evaluate the consistency of the resilience modules obtained by the program, as well as the adherence of the simulation of the pavement service life to the conditions observed in the field. For that, a set of data collected in 8 (eight) Sampling Units (homogeneous segments with 1 km in length) different from the DNIT, located in the region close to the Federal District, including the characteristic traffic, the Longitudinal Irregularity Index (IRI), the percentage of cracked area of the pavement, thickness information and physical characterization of its layers obtained through inspection wells, as well as data from deflectometric basins measured by FWD equipment. After verifying the hypothesis that the Transfer Function of the program offers conditions of use for the region, a second stage was established. This stage consists of presenting guidelines, based on precision levels, for the best use of MeDiNa in asphalt paving projects, as well as its use for structural quality control of these pavements, since the tool has a useful life forecast model based on in criteria of rupture due to fatigue and permanent deformations, which reflect in cracking in the asphalt coating and sinking of the wheel track.

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Notícia cadastrada em: 27/01/2023 09:09
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