Banca de DEFESA: Ana Carolina Andrade de Carvalho

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Ana Carolina Andrade de Carvalho
DATE: 29/07/2022
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Plataforma Teams

Effect of PPARγ Agonists on the Expression of Inflammatory and Adipogenic Genes in Macrophage-Adipocyte Coculture System ”


“Obesity; inflammation; insulin resistance; adipocytes; macrophages; PPARγ; rosiglitazone; GQ16. ”

PAGES: 100
BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional

“ Introduction: obesity is a chronic disease that already affects a large part of the world population. The increase in its incidence consequently causes an increase in diseases related to it, such as hypertension and DM2. Adipose tissue malfunction and inflammation – also resulting from macrophage infiltration – have been identified as the main causes of these disorders. The crucial role that PPARγ plays in both the regulation of adipocytes and inflammatory genes in macrophages has already been demonstrated. Previous studies indicate that GQ-16, a PPARγ partial agonist, has insulin sensitizing effects comparable to those of the full agonist rosiglitazone, but without inducing weight gain. Aim: to determine whether the beneficial effects of GQ-16 extend to the antiinflammatory effects of full PPARγ agonists, in order to obtain a therapeutic option to prevent obesity-induced inflammation and the consequent insulin resistance. Methods: RAW 264.7 murine macrophages and 3T3-L1 preadipocytes were cultured in a contact and transwell coculture system with subsequent 24-hour treatment with vehicle (DMSO 0.001%), Rosiglitazone (10-5M) and GQ16 (10-5M), in the presence and absence of inflammatory stimulus with LPS (100 ng/mL). Differentiated 3T3-L1 and RAW 264.7 cultivated separately were used as control, which received the same treatments as the coculture. Cells were harvested with Trizol and the relative mRNA expression of inflammatory and adipogenic genes was analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR (RTPCRq). Results: with regard to inflammatory genes (IL-6 and TNFα), only IL-6 had its gene expression increased with LPS treatment in contact coculture, and this effect was abolished when in the presence of agonists. In most treatments, the expression of both genes was more pronounced in the coculture than in the control. In relation to adipogenic genes, LPS was able to increase expression of only aP2 and GLUT4 in contact coculture. In the case of aP2 expression, this stimulus was intensified by ROSI+LPS. In contrast, GLUT4 expression decreased when the agonists were in the presence of LPS, however, this was only seen in the control. ADPN had no effect on either the contact coculture or the control. The three adipogenic genes, in most treatments, were less expressed in the contact coculture than in the control. In the transwell coculture, LPS increased the expression of only IL-6 and ADPN, and rosiglitazone, in the presence of the inflammatory stimulus, decreased and increased, respectively, this expression induced by LPS. The gene expression of aP2 and GLUT4 showed a tendency to increase in the treatment with ROSI+LPS compared to LPS alone, and, in the case of GLUT4, the trend was also present in the treatment with GQ+LPS. Conclusion: the interaction between macrophages and adipocytes seems to have a fundamental role for the expression of inflammatory genes, but not for the expression of adipogenic genes. GQ-16, in addition to having a lower adipogenic effect compared to rosiglitazone, also seems to have some anti-inflammatory effect, but further studies should be carried out to confirm this statement. ”

Presidente - 2329402 - ANGELICA AMORIM AMATO
Externa à Instituição - CAROLINA MARTINS RIBEIRO - MS
Externa ao Programa - 2937927 - DJANE BRAZ DUARTE
Externa ao Programa - 1529483 - MARIA DE FATIMA BORIN
Notícia cadastrada em: 27/07/2022 16:24
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