Banca de DEFESA: Nathalia Cristinah Lima Evangelista

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Nathalia Cristinah Lima Evangelista
DATE: 28/06/2023
TIME: 08:30
LOCAL: Plataforma Microsoft Teams

Recognition memory in marmoset (Callithrix penicillata) and capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.) using the new continual trials Spontaneous Object Recognition Task


recognition memory; continual trials; capuchin monkey; marmoset monkey

PAGES: 100
AREA: Defesa

Recognition memory is the ability to judge whether a stimulus is familiar or novel. It is important for acquiring new information and planning future behaviors. Animal models are still required to help elucidate the neural basis of recognition memory, with the Spontaneous Object Recognition (SOR) test being currently the most widely used test. This test is usually performed only once and may be influenced by several factors that induce response variability. As such, a new continual trials approach is being developed in rodents. This allows for significant effects to be detected with the use of fewer animals. The aim of the present study was to adapt the continual trials SOR test for nonhuman primates (NHP), comparing the performance of adult marmoset (Callithrix penicillata) and capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.). Each subject was individually submitted to a sequence of eight SOR tests conducted consecutively at 2 min intervals. Each SOR test consisted of a 5 min sample trial with two identical objects, followed by a 2 min retention interval and then a 5 min test trial. On the test trial, one of the items was replaced by a new unfamiliar object. Both the marmoset and capuchin monkeys spent more time exploring the new rather than the familiar object during the test trials, a behavioral indicator for recognition memory in this task. There was also a gradual and constant increase in exploration during the eight SOR tests. As such, at the end of the procedure, task performance based on cumulative data decreased interindividual variability of the exploratory behavior. Furthermore, for both species, the results were not influenced by changes in the animals' locomotor activity or motivation (total exploration) since these parameters remained constant between trials, as well as between the SOR tests. Task performance was also not related to exploratory behavior on the sample trial or to locomotor activity on the test trial. Thus, the continual trials SOR test seems to be an effective approach to assess recognition memory in NHP, decreasing response variability in terms of spontaneous exploratory behavior.

Presidente - 2440127 - MARILIA BARROS
Externo à Instituição - MARTÍN PABLO CAMMAROTA - UFRN
Externa ao Programa - 1125771 - PAULA MARIA QUAGLIO BELLOZI
Notícia cadastrada em: 02/05/2023 11:53
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