Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Alessandra Lima Fontenele

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Alessandra Lima Fontenele
DATE: 12/09/2023
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: Plataforma Microsoft Teams

Narrative Bioethics and the construction of the teaching-learning process in Human Rights in Health and Nursing



Bioethics; Human Rights; Education, Graduate; Teaching; Motion Pictures; Documentaries and Factual Films; Photograph


PAGES: 100
BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Saúde Coletiva

Narrative Bioethics presents itself as a possibility of approaching conflicting situations, from which the subject intervenes and interacts with the social environment. From the validation of narratives, it becomes possible to contextualize the events and situations experienced, opening the possibility for discussions and interpretations about the moralities involved and that can interfere in the resolution of the problems encountered. In this range of possibilities provided by Narrative Bioethics, it is possible to insert the teaching of Human Rights, considering the complexity of respecting its directives and the difficulty of incorporating them into health policies and practices. Education and training in human rights include not only the conceptual teaching of the subject, but the application of the concept and its understanding from the perspective of society. Among the existing possibilities in educational methods, there is a varied group of techniques – such as photography – that, using narrative bioethics as an analysis tool, can share knowledge and experiences that serve as vehicles of culture, tradition, and values. The use of photographs, in addition to being an easily accessible communicative product, is an effective tool for critical discussion and reflection by society, given that “photographers” can be considered producers and disseminators of knowledge, as they exercise their creativity, skill and skills by capturing their own image and/or reading other photographers' images. In addition, photographs in general “are not completely subordinated to the context for which they were originally intended”, each observer can reappropriate, recombine, deconstruct and/or subvert their meaning, thus leading to different narrative and reflective modes. The theme of Human Rights is considered a cross-cutting theme in the process of academic training of health professionals and the use of participatory methodologies such as photography, increases the empowerment of these individuals and opens doors to the construction of a fair, egalitarian and social society. sustainable. Human rights education is built from the moment the health professional extends his work to areas with vast potential for health promotion, which includes professional education, creating the possibility of developing empowered individuals with a vision humanized. Therefore, it should be understood as a tool for change, especially for future health professionals who will face many violations and inadequacies of these rights throughout their work process.

Externa ao Programa - 1141322 - ANA BEATRIZ DUARTE VIEIRA - nullExterno à Instituição - DIEGO CARLOS ZANELLA - UFN
Presidente - 404501 - DIRCE BELLEZI GUILHEM
Interna - ***.616.438-** - MARIA RITA CARVALHO GARBI NOVAES - UnB
Externo à Instituição - MAURO MACHADO DO PRADO - UFG
Notícia cadastrada em: 11/09/2023 11:30
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