Banca de DEFESA: Gabriela Beserra Pinheiro

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Gabriela Beserra Pinheiro
DATE: 20/12/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Instituto de Ciências Biológicas (IB) - Auditório 3

Evaluation of toxicity and identification of pharmacological targets of Occidentalina-1202, an antiepileptic peptide derived from the venom of social wasps



Refractory Epilepsy; Occidentalina-1202; Occ-1202; Peptide; Social Wasps; Polybia occidentalis; Neuropharmacology; Neurodegenerative Diseases.


PAGES: 100
AREA: Defesa

Epilepsy is defined as a group of diseases that share neuronal hyperexcitability, resulting in synchronous electrical discharges. It is one of the most prevalent neurological disorders worldwide, affecting approximately 1% of the global population. Currently, numerous compounds have gained attention for their therapeutic potential in neurodegenerative diseases, as the currently available medications for its treatment only aim at symptomatic relief and are unable to prevent its progression. The study of peptides isolated from animal venoms has shown great potential. In previous studies, the peptide isolated from the wasp Polybia occidentalis (Occidentalina-1202/Occ-1202) demonstrated significant antiepileptic potential against chemically induced epileptic seizures. However, despite Occ1202 showing immense therapeutic potential, such as anti-inflammatory activity and suppression of oxidative stress, its targets and pharmacological safety remain unknown, as well as the extent of its potential adverse effects. In this context, this study aimed to investigate the safety and toxicity of the peptide, elucidate its potential adverse effects, and evaluate its potential pharmacological targets. For the evaluation of the pharmacological safety of the peptide, three different doses (4 mg/kg, 20 mg/kg, 40 mg/kg) of Occ-1202 were tested in acute and chronic models in Swiss mice (Mus musculus) - males and females. The Open Field behavioral test was performed throughout the observation period, after which the animals had their organs (brain, heart, lung, liver, and kidney) collected for histopathological analysis. To evaluate its potential pharmacological targets, competition and uptake assays were performed with H3-GABA and H3-Glutamate radioligands, in order to assess the peptide's action on GABAergic and glutamatergic neurotransmission, respectively. The results obtained indicated the safety of the Occ-1202 peptide, as the animals did not show histopathological physiological alterations even at the highest dose of peptide administration. These results suggest that the peptide is a safe alternative in the treatment of refractory epilepsy, although its pharmacological target remains unknown. Furthermore, neuroactive peptides have gained significant relevance as potential new treatments for neurodegenerative diseases, therefore, the study of their safety and toxicity, and mechanisms of action presents a powerful tool in both the study of neurodegenerative diseases and the development of more effective new therapies.

Externo à Instituição - MAURO CUNHA XAVIER PINTO - UFG
Presidente - 2567703 - MARCIA RENATA MORTARI
Externo ao Programa - 1744566 - MAURICIO HOMEM DE MELLO - nullInterno - ***.876.431-** - MAURICIO GOMES PEREIRA - null
Notícia cadastrada em: 30/10/2023 19:31
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