Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Ariane Bocaletto Frare

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Ariane Bocaletto Frare
DATE: 11/01/2024
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Plataforma Virtual - Microsoft Teams

The study of the effects of estrogenic hormone replacement on the physical capacity of crosssex female mice


Transwomen, cisgender women, cross- sex hormone therapy, estrogen, sport

PAGES: 100
AREA: Defesa

A transgender (trans) individual is someone whose gender identity differs from that corresponding to their sex assigned at birth. Female transgenders (trans women) were exposed to testosterone from fetal life until the moment hormone replacement therapy began in the transsexualization process, which has raised questions regarding the participation of these individuals in female sports competitions, whether female transgender individuals could compete in equal conditions and physical criteria in a sporting modality with cisgender women, born biologically female and not exposed to high concentrations of testosterone throughout their lives. There is also a lack of studies that simultaneously evaluate the effects of transsexualizing hormonal therapy with sexualsteroids on the physical capacity of humans and animals, therefore, the main goal of this study is to investigate the effects of hormonal treatment with estrogen on the physical capacity of male mice undergoing transsexual replacement treatment (cross-sex females), through the development of a female cross-sex animal model that will allow evaluating the effects of the high-intensity interval physical training protocol on the physical capacity of these animals in comparison with mice cis males and females. So for this, 80 animals were divided into 8 groups, with 4 groups receiving high intensity training (Hiit) on a treadmill and 4 groups that didn’t under go this exercise. It was divided into two groups of cis females, two groups of cis males without castration, two groups of cis hypogonatic males and two groups of cross-sex females that received replacement of estrogen. After 30 days of castration, all animals were put on the treadmill for adaptation. After this adaptation phase, the incremental test was done to establish the highest value of running speed per animal, 3 tests were carried out to define the maximum average speed per animal to be used in training. After that, the mice were submitted to 8 weeks of interval training (5x week). After 4 and 8 weeks of training, a new assessment of aerobic capacity was made. All trained animals achieved significant weight gain over the 8 weeks of training. Plasma estradiol was measured by a immunoenzymatic assay (ELISA kit, Abcam®), it was observed that a dose with estradiol significantly increased plasma estradiol levels in cross-sex animals (Averages measurement 164.6+ 33.13) when compared to the cis female (Average 52.28 + 4.89 picog/mL) (p<0.003) and to male animals in the basal period before castration (48.78 + 5.79 picog/mL, p<0.02). It is interesting to note that throughout the training we observed that physical training significantly reduced the concentration of estradiol in the 8th week of training (Adaptation 172.6 + 30.95; 4th week 236.7 +31.32; 8th week 164.6 + 33, 13;p<0.05). Regarding physical capacity, as expected, the cis animals (males and females) increased their physical capacity progressively over the 8 weeks of training (Delta female-cis 108% - baseline 588.55 m+; 4th week 915, 51 m and 8th week 1223.25m; Male Delta 128% = basal cis 509.58m, 4thweek 729.1m; 8tth week 1161.66m). By contrast, female cross-sex animals had a slight increase in physical capacity when compared to cis gender animals (Delta female - crosssex 58.8% basal 474.37m; 4th week 600m; 8th week 752.25m ). When measuring oxygen consumption stimulated by the addition of ADP, it is possible to observe that castration with the dose of estradiol provided a statistically significant increase in oxygen consumption in the group of sedentary cross-sex females in relation to the sedentary hypogonadal male groups (p=0.024 ) or subjected to exercise (p=0.002) and also greater than cross-sex females (p=0.001) subjected to exercise. In general, the results presented in this study provide additional evidence for comparing the physical capacity of cross-sex female mice with cis females and males, making it possible to provide new support for the review of physiological paradigms related to sexual dimorphism from a functional point of view. The data extrapolation to human beings must be careful, given the greater social, cultural, behavioral and neural complexity of the species, however the data generated could significantly contributed to directing the design of clinical trials, especially in regard to physical capacity in the context of cross-sex therapy and related molecular pathways, whose analysis is restricted in humans due to ethical limitations.

Externo ao Programa - 3320778 - ALEXANDRE DE GOES MARTINI - nullInterna - 2329402 - ANGELICA AMORIM AMATO
Externo à Instituição - SIDNEY ALCANTARA PEREIRA - HMS
Notícia cadastrada em: 11/01/2024 14:03
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