Banca de DEFESA: Victor Fonseca Vieira

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Victor Fonseca Vieira
DATE: 26/07/2023
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: plataforma teams - link disponível na página do programa

“The transgender ambulatory of Brasília: trajectory, policies and experiences”


“transsexualism, health services, public health, health policy

PAGES: 1000
BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Saúde Coletiva

“Introduction: The Transexualizer process policy from the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) was born in 2018 and redefined in 2013, with the aim of standardizing specialized healthcare services for trans people. In the Federal District, the specialized service first occurred in 2017, with the status of reference for this population in the Brazilian capital. The literature points out that this population still faces essential assistance gaps in terms of accessing healthcare services, caused by consequences of discrimination, prejudice against identity, disrespect to social names and lack of professional qualification. Objectives: This study analyzes the trajectory of the Transgender Ambulatory of Brasília, describes important political and programmatic framework during this path; the experiences undergone by health workers and trans people assisted by this service, and identifies assistance, administrative and political gaps found since its implementation. Method: Qualitative-analysis study carried out through the execution of 30 semi structured interviews applied to health professionals, managers and trans people at the ambulatory headquarters. After transcription of the interviews, the analytical categories that emerged from the narratives were processed and classified with the aid of the the Imurateq software. Results: It is worth noting that the transgender individuals interviewed consider that their identities are respected in these places, opposed to what happens in other healthcare providers from the Public Healthcare Network. It was identified that there are breaches that fragilize these services concerning the political-programmatic, administrative and assistance routes. One of the main challenges indicated by the users of the Transsexualizer Process is the access to hormone therapies. The conduction of surgeries of adequation to the biological body and gender identities were also pointed as a fundamental assistance gap. Conclusion: Despite the guarantees assured by the Unified Health System to implement one policy of integral assistance to the transgender people, there are yet barriers for the Trans Ambulatory of Brasília to overcome in order to make the politics effective, due mainly to institutionalization of its actions and lack of insertion of this service into the organogram of the Department of Health of the Federal District. This fact entails an institutional void that emerges as an important political-programmatic gap and impacts its possibilities of action. There are also observed weaknesses in the sense of financial resources allocation and the construction of a multiprofessional framework of human resources capable of doing the full exercise of political actions, in addition to the establishment of adequate physical space. By constituting the only specialized service in the FD, it results in overcrowding which generates an undesired waiting list limiting user access. The trans individuals interviewed characterize the site/service as cozy and safe for them to fully perform their identities. ”

Interno - 1225317 - EDGAR MERCHAN HAMANN
Externa ao Programa - 1733371 - LUCELIA LUIZ PEREIRA - nullPresidente - 1261290 - XIMENA PAMELA CLAUDIA DIAZ BERMUDEZ
Notícia cadastrada em: 17/07/2023 17:11
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