Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 03/11/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: plataforma teams - link disponível na página do programa

“Weaving senses: the contribution of speech therapy to voice and communication of trans and with various gender identities _” 


“_Speech Therapy; Voice; Communication; Gender identity; Transsexuality; Gender diversity; Integral health. _”

PAGES: 1000
BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Saúde Coletiva

“Introduction: Speech Therapy has been researching and increasingly acting with issues related to gender diversity, seeking most studies, understanding how the voice impacts the lives of trans people and how it can be worked from a perspective of adapting to characteristics of gender. Nevertheless, the imperativity of deep reflection and a critical review of research and intervention approaches in speech therapy in relation to gender diversity has been broadly highlighted. As well, concrete and grounded proposals have been outlined that point out clear directions, especially in relation to ethical posture and the theoretical-epistemological orientation adopted in the treatment of this topic. As for theoretical basis for this speech therapy practice, currently the perspective suggested as one of the most appropriate to understand voice and communication in relation to the speaker's sociocultural positioning is the biocultural perspective. From it, several factors act continuously and dynamically in the production of voice and communication, which differentiates it from the deterministic perspective, for example, which considers this production as exclusively dependent on biological and physical aspects. As it was established by the most current international recommendations, the purpose of professionals who provide gender affirmation assistance should be, first and foremost, to establish effective collaboration with different trans and gender identities. In order to fully address social, mental and medical needs, aiming mainly to promote well-being, while fully respecting their gender identities. These care guidelines also advocate the adoption of a person -centered service model, as well as reviewing several previous recommendations, all for the purpose of eliminating barriers that can make access to the necessary care difficult. Objective: This study aimed to analyze and reflect on the contribution of a group speech therapy approach to trans and with various gender identities, exploring their perceptions related to voice and communication. Methodology: It is a qualitative approach research, based on the methodological approach of dialectical hermeneutics, developed with trans and with various gender identities. Inclusion criteria were people over 18 who identified themselves as trans or with a diverse gender. No exclusion criteria related to gender identity were stipulated. The technique selected for data collection were group research workshops developed from the theoretical-methodological perspective of social constructionism applied to group practice. The proposed practices were based on concepts of vocal self -perception and vocal psychodynamics. Four workshops were held with the participation of 10 people. The meetings had an average duration of 100 minutes each, were recorded in audio and video and later transcribed for analysis. Transcripts underwent an analysis based on the techniques of the dialectic hermeneutic method. Results and Discussion: Each workshop was analyzed individually and later reorganized for the purposes of synthesis, seeking to point out diversity and multiplicity. During the analysis the dialectical hermeneutics was used, from which empirical analytical categories gradually emerged. These categories were subsequently compared to predefined analytical categories to identify interrelationships and connections. This work emphasizes the importance of considering stress faced by minorities, such as trans and with various gender identities, due to discrimination and prejudice in a predominantly cis generous and heteronormative society. It is noteworthy that a group speech therapy can play a key role in reducing this stress and increasing well-being, promoting self-esteem, assertive communication and coping skills. In addition to reinforcing the arguments that support the effectiveness of group therapy for these people, both in relation to voice and self -perception. We emphasize the importance that such interventions are sensitive to the social context and allow the authentic expression of the voice. In addition, the biocultural perspective is discussed as a theoretical basis that comprises the voice as influenced by sociocultural forces and we highlight how the interpretation of the speaker's sociocultural positioning can be based on vocal expression, subject to variations due to listener sociocultural experiences. Finally, the need for a critical analysis of research and intervention approaches in speech therapy related to gender diversity, aligning with recent expert recommendations is reinforced. Given the proper emphasis on the importance of ethics and the theoretical approach when addressing this topic. Conclusion: Recognize the semantic richness of a group, either through workshops or other formats based on solid theories, enables the exploitation of discourses from a perspective that values relational discursive practice to the detriment of individual analysis. This discursive approach is profoundly enriching in terms of meanings that can be explored in various directions, both in the research context and intervention, in the context of speech therapy, particularly regarding issues related to gender diversity. In this scenario, an integral health approach is a strategy that incorporates voice and communication as integral elements of a comprehensive model of care, while fostering the sharing of knowledge and skills. Meaning constructions and resignification processes assume a dialogical nature, playing a role of importance not only for the participants involved, but also for the group's facilitators. The social position occupied by researchers or therapists is revealed as a complex position, characterized by ethical and political dimensions, and influenced by various beliefs and sociocultural issues.

Externo ao Programa - 1144234 - EDU TURTE CAVADINHA - nullExterna à Instituição - FLAVIA DO BONSUCESSO TEIXEIRA - UFU
Interna - 1425024 - MARIA FATIMA DE SOUSA
Externo à Instituição - RODRIGO DORNELAS DO CARMO - UFRJ
Notícia cadastrada em: 31/10/2023 16:05
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