Banca de DEFESA: Aline Oliveira Cardoso

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Aline Oliveira Cardoso
DATE: 13/12/2023
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: A definir

“__"Men hurt us too much": the experience of women in situations of domestic violence and the role of Primary Health Care________”


“___Domestic Violence. Primary Health Care. Violence Against Women. Maria da Penha Law. National Policy to Confront Violence Against Women.______

PAGES: 1000
BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Saúde Coletiva

“_Domestic violence is a phenomenon intersected by different social markers, representing a reality in the Federal District, affecting the lives of thousands of women. Simultaneously, as a public health issue, primary care professionals must play a crucial role in supporting these women through their outpatient services. This research aims to comprehend and analyze manifestations of violence against women residing in the Rural Nucleus Lago Oeste in the Federal District and to explore the perception and conduct of health professionals at the UBS in the adjacent region when it comes to providing care for women experiencing domestic violence. This is a qualitative study, using the techniques of participant observation and semi-structured interviews with women victims of violence and the health professionals at the UBS they are users. Through the analysis of interviews using the collective biography method, a common panorama emerged depicting how these women experienced instances of violence and how some managed to break free from these cycles. The results of interviews with health professionals demonstrated empathy and actions oriented towards care, but at the same time, acknowledgment of the lack of training for better serving these women. In the discussion, we categorized the themes by the typology of violence, according to the Maria da Penha Law, comparing the accounts of women and professionals with the provisions of this law and the National Policy to Confront Violence Against Women. We consider that the violence confrontation network has various gaps, inadequacies, and a lack of professional training, along with a deficiency in communication between multidisciplinary sectors and individualized support for each woman in a situation of violence. _

Presidente - 1652632 - MIGUEL ANGELO MONTAGNER
Externo ao Programa - 1706624 - PEDRO DE ANDRADE CALIL JABUR - nullExterna à Instituição - SANDRA MARA CAMPOS ALVES - FIOCRUZ
Notícia cadastrada em: 11/12/2023 16:02
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