Banca de DEFESA: Raquel Barbosa Miranda

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Raquel Barbosa Miranda
DATE: 28/02/2024
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: A definir

“The Traces of Female Imprisonment in Brazil: Citizenship Rescue Policies and Barriers to Reintegration into Society”


“Social reintegration; Women; Transgender women; Prisons; Brazil.”

PAGES: 1000
BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Saúde Coletiva

“Background: Because of the increase in the number of women in prison all over the world, the importance of clarifying the implementation and offer of specific strategies to these women and the proper ways to treat them in prison are important social measures. Objectives: (1) To analyze the supply of resources for the social reintegration of ex-offenders from the Brazilian prison system, with a gender perspective and (2) to analyze the expectations reported by cisgender and transgender women when returning to society and the perspective of justice and social welfare professionals from the prison system. Methods: A documentary analysis was carried out on governmental and nongovernmental strategies aimed at prisoners’ social reintegration, with a gender perspective, through an analytical matrix for the period between 2020 and 2021.After this first approach, a qualitative analysis using saturation sampling, identifying potential interviewees based on their direct or indirect involvement in the management of the prison system and with female former inmates. The participants were selected through the non-probabilistic sampling technique. Data was collected through semistructured interviews, transcribed and analyzed using an open and focused coding process. Textual data was stored, organized, and coded according to emerging themes from the qualitative data analysis using Atlas software. Results: There are several programs in the Brazil aimed at social reintegration of prisoners, however few have a gender cut. The theme of social reintegration and the prison system was identified in 84 news items on the websites of government agencies, 20 of which were federal and 64 in the states level, also in 11 international organizations operating in Brazil and in 12 no governmental organizations. Only six had a gender profile. The qualitative study involved 15 professions and 13 female former inmates, with five of them identifying as transgender women. Among the professionals, the age range spanned from 38 to 65 years; they reported a work history in their respective fields, ranging from 10 to 35 years, with an equal distribution across genders. As for the female former inmates, they ranged in age from 24 to 42 years and the most reported crime was drug trafficking. Their periods of incarceration varied, straddling from 1 to 8 years. Female inmates are vulnerable to abuse and violence, including physical, sexual, and emotional violence. Women in situations of prior vulnerability may face additional challenges during their sentences. The situation is more complex for transgender women because they are even more invisible and discriminated by the system. Despite professional were concerned about the vulnerability and the need to work in the reintegration process, in general, they are not sensitive for the gender perspective. Conclusions: These data emphasized the multifaceted challenges faced by female former inmates in the Brazilian prison system. Recognizing the challenges that different groups of women face, including cisgender, transgender, and those with diverse socio-economic backgrounds is important and underscores the necessity for an intersectional approach.”

Interno - 1225317 - EDGAR MERCHAN HAMANN
Externa à Instituição - KATIA MARIA BARRETO SOUTO - MS
Interno - 1840722 - MAURO NISKIER SANCHEZ
Externa à Instituição - RITA DE CASSIA DUARTE LIMA - UFES
Notícia cadastrada em: 06/02/2024 17:33
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