Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Felipe Saul da Costa Wanzeler

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Felipe Saul da Costa Wanzeler
DATE: 15/12/2022
TIME: 15:00
LOCAL: Ambiente virtual (Microsoft Teams)

Profile of elite Brazilian athletes in dual academic and sporting careers: a holistic analysis.


High Performance Sport, Education, Conciliation.

BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Educação Física

Dual career in sport has been encouraged and supported in many countries, providing elite athletes with the means to conciliate their sporting career with their studies. Currently, to expand and qualify the number of athletes involved in this process is a challenge that is presented in this context. Therefore, it is important to know and analyze the demands and the wishes of the student-athletes so that it is possible to propose interventions and public support policies that are adequate to their needs. The objective of this research is to investigate the profile (sport and educational) of elite Brazilian athletes who participated in the Pan American Junior Games - 2021. This is a multi-method research, since the objectives were anchored in the quantitative and qualitative paradigm, with an exploratory and transversal perspective, carried out with a sample of 85 athletes (52 women and 33 men). The data will be collected through the application of a semi-structured questionnaire and individual interviews. These instruments were built, based on the holistic conception of dual career, considering issues related to sportive education (time dedicated to training and traveling to compete, for instance); school (repetition, expectation and educational formation, school actions regarding absences for sportive reasons); family data (parents' schooling and economic level); financial aid received by the athletes. The questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques and association between qualitative variables through Fischer's exact test (significance level p = 0.05). The content of the interviews will be transcribed and analyzed using the Content Analysis technique. The preliminary analysis of the quantitative data points out: a) absence of school backwardness and high educational expectation of the athletes; b) limited educational opportunities that guarantee the atypical condition of the student-athlete; c) the main source of resources comes from the federal government through the Athlete Scholarship Program (60%). Regarding the family educational background: a) 50.6% of the families have the economic reference with complete college education; b) 19.8% of the families have good financial condition (Class-A). Regarding the medal winners, those who attend higher education are in private institutions (100%). It was also verified, difference for the podium from the type of education institution (p<0.015), being important to consider the relationship between the age group and the education level of each segment. It is hoped that, at the end of the analyses, the evidence built may offer relevant information to expand the knowledge about the condition of the elite student-athlete in Brazil, as well as serve to guide debates, interventions, and public policies to support these subjects. 

Presidente - 2129282 - FELIPE RODRIGUES DA COSTA
Externo ao Programa - 1866960 - AMERICO PIERANGELI COSTA
Externo à Instituição - HUGO PAULA ALMEIDA DA ROCHA - CPII
Notícia cadastrada em: 15/12/2022 11:45
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