Leisure in Scientific Field of Physical Education
Leisure; Scientific Field; Pierre Bourdieu; Physical Education
The objective of this thesis is to analyze the production on leisure in Brazilian Physical Education journals. To do this, we analyzed articles produced from 2000 to 2022 with the term leisure in their titles, the number of publications per year, the journals that published them, the authors, their institutions and states and the focuses of these studies. We used Pierre Bourdieu's theoretical basis to reflect on the findings of this thesis. As conclusions, we note the productive growth in the number of articles about leisure in the scientific field of Physical Education. These articles are mostly found in Revista Licere, with 49.46% of production, followed by Revista Brasileira de Estudos do Lazer, with 12.04%. Regarding agents, we can identify that science is a collective activity, because, per article, we have an average of 2.62 agents. Furthermore, 74.63% of them summarized their contribution on leisure to just one article, demonstrating that there is a difficulty in maintaining production within this scientific field. Regarding the institutions from which such agents come, we found that production on leisure takes place, predominantly, in higher education institutions, more precisely, in public ones. We highlight São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, as places that produce the most on the subject, highlighting the Southeast and South regions as geographic spaces with strong appeal in the production of scientific articles on leisure. Regarding the focuses, the field values studies on groups and their leisure activities; theoretical-conceptual studies that analyzed theories, authors and concepts in correlation with leisure; and studies of leisure spaces/equipment.