Effect of different types of physical exercise on symptoms and health parameters in Long COVID rehabilitation.
Long COVID, physical exercise, elastic resistance bands, rehabilitation.
Introduction: Physical exercise promotes positive health adaptations by improving cardiovascular and neuromuscular function. Such adaptations are relevant in the rehabilitation of diseases like COVID-19. In this context, many patients have experienced muscle loss, weakness, fatigue, reduced mobility, cardiorespiratory changes, and other issues that persist after hospital discharge. Therefore, the study and implementation of rehabilitation strategies for the sequelae of COVID-19 using different types of physical exercise are of high potential and relevance. However, it is not clear in the literature whether the use of elastic resistance exercises significantly improves health parameters in COVID-19 patients, as one might assume with traditional exercises. Objective: To investigate the effect of a physical exercise program using elastic resistance bands on morphofunctional, hemodynamic, and biochemical parameters in COVID-19 survivors in the rehabilitation phase. Methods: The study sample will consist of individuals of both sexes, physically inactive, aged over 40 years, who tested positive for COVID-19 at least 6 months ago. The a priori sample size calculation (G*Power v. adopting an effect size (f) of 0.25, alpha of 0.05, and power (1-β) of 0.95 indicated a minimum of 54 individuals for the study. Participants will be divided into two groups: i) traditional training (n=27); ii) resistance band training (n=27). The groups will undergo assessments of body composition, muscle strength, functional capacity, blood pressure, lipid profile, and uric acid. All assessments will occur before and after the exercise intervention, which will last for 12 weeks and be conducted twice a week. The traditional exercise protocol will consist of resistance exercises. The elastic resistance exercise protocol will consist of resistance exercises using elastic bands. Data will be analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Normality will be assessed with the Shapiro-Wilk test. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) will be adopted to compare the effects of the experiment between and within groups. If necessary, non-parametric tests will be used. Significance will be set at P ≤ 0.05. The project may contribute to knowledge about post-COVID rehabilitation strategies.