The Being of the Being of Leisure: reflections from Lukács's Ontology of the Social Being
Leisure; Free time; Ontology of Social Being.
The investigative problem that gave rise to this research project is presented in the following question: What is the genesis of the apparent identification between leisure and freedom? The opposition and duality between work and leisure that operates primarily in the denial of man with his vital activity need - material realm and glimpses in leisure the realization of freedom - spiritual realm. The objective of this work, of a theoretical nature, is to analyze the sphere of leisure having Lukács's “Ontology of Social Being” as a theoretical reference, in an effort to decipher the contemporary historical-social movement, considering the connections between leisure, work and time. free , for the understanding of the individual and his possibility of freedom, even if hampered, in contemporary capitalism by alienating and reifying processes. To this end, we undertook a bibliographic investigation of the reference authors of the Sociology of Leisure, in which we identified a set of problems related to its understanding and definition. And in a second moment we intend to examine the forms of estrangement and reification of social relations related to leisure.