Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Valmir Arruda de Sousa Neto

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Valmir Arruda de Sousa Neto
DATE: 30/08/2023
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Ambiente virtual (Zoom)

THE NEW MORPHOLOGY OF WORK IN THE FITNESS INDUSTRY: exploration and contemporary alienation 


Work, Platformization, Fitnnes Industry 

PAGES: 110
BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Educação Física

The challenges that are posed to male and female workers on a daily basis to guarantee their objective conditions range from the ever-increasing demand for qualification, expanding the “metrics” for filling vacancies, creating a reserve army that submits to functions inferior to their qualifications and consequently receive less and less remuneration. In contemporary times, which presents a technological advance, work relations are reconfigured, workers have their subjectivities captured by the neoliberal discourse in an attempt to delegitimize salaried work, as a consequence we have the migration of several men and women to intermittent, flexible jobs , outsourced, governed by digital platforms that expand the forms of exploitation of this stratification of the working class. The advent of technology, which should serve, in theory, to reduce the working day and, consequently, increase free time, did not happen that way, it was just the opposite. The flexibility of work allowed for the expansion of labor exploitation, a process that was already underway and that uses a global pandemic to accelerate its methods. We have as an investigative object the work of the physical education teacher who is working in the “fitnnes industry”. Starting from the reflections presented so far, we highlight [1] the centrality of the work category for understanding the functioning of capitalist society; [2] the metamorphoses of labor relations from the advent of technology; [3] labor relations in the fitness industry as an object of analysis. Understanding the developments of these first reflections, we point to the exposition structure that we proposed to establish the following considerations [a] productive restructuring and its impacts on labor relations; [b] political relations with the world of work throughout the construction of democracy in Brazil; [c] transformations in the contemporary world and impacts on the world of work; [d] digital platforms and the not so new world of work; [and] the “new” working relationships for physical education teachers; [f] male and female workers and class organizations. 

Externo à Instituição - BRUNO ASSIS DE OLIVEIRA - SMESP
Presidente - 1704471 - EDSON MARCELO HUNGARO
Notícia cadastrada em: 29/08/2023 17:38
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