Banca de DEFESA: Priscila Kavamura Guimarães de Moura

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Priscila Kavamura Guimarães de Moura
DATE: 28/06/2024
TIME: 14:00

Agrarian Law and Neo-liberalism: land, food and nature under Neo-liberal auspices


Agrarian Law; Land; Financialization; Neo-liberalism; Commodities; Rent Theory.

PAGES: 215
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Direito

The present doctoral dissertation aims to clarify the intersection between Neo-liberalism and agrarian law by means of an investigation into the concepts of land, food, and nature. 12 Starting with an outline of the formation of latifundia, I intend to examine—based on Karl Polanyi’s theoretical categories—the conversion of land into a fictitious commodity, as well as the complexity of this process. Then, I carry out a detailed analysis of Neoliberalism as a theoretical foundation, with a special focus on law as an instrument that ensures the consolidation of this system. The third chapter, in turn, delves into the legal tools of financialization, their debt securities, and other kinds of stimulation of capital, a context that culminates in the conversion of land into a fictitious capital from the point of view of land rent theory. The fourth chapter remarks on how the Neo-liberal turn on matters of land exacerbates scarcity and strengthens the corporate food system and the use of land as a mere financial asset. Here financialization—as a cog in the machine of the Neo-liberal system—reproduces an unproductive approach to capital that transforms the legal categories of land and food into mere commodities, inserted in a context of unrestrained pursuit for profit led by agribusiness. Finally, the fifth chapter handles the takeover of nature through the massive use of pesticides. Here one can identify a new dimension of immersion in agrarian matters by the Neo-liberal system, namely, chemical colonialism. Considering the exploitative way in which Neo-liberalism takes over land and food, the use of pesticides plays the role of a catalyst for this process. The violence of pesticide contamination reaches molecular levels, despite the state’s approval for their commercialization and use. The concluding remarks point to the consolidation of a scenario in which land, food, and nature are dominated by the Neo-liberal system and are converted into mere commodities, being stripped away from the environmental synergy and resulting in a process of not only material but also territorial and subjective impoverishment. The methodology used was qualitative, emphasizing bibliographic research and the articulation of theoretical frameworks and events that characterize the issue of land in Brazil. There was also a quali-quantitative approach, insofar as the data on agricultural production were broadly collected and analyzed based on the theoretical approaches guiding the work. This investigation is expected to assist research that, in some way or another, is linked to the theme of Neo-liberalism and the issue of land, further developing a critical view of agrarian law.

Externo à Instituição - CLAUDIO LOPES MAIA - UFCAT
Externo à Instituição - José do Carmo Alves Siqueira - UFG
Interno - ***.336.549-** - SERGIO RODRIGO DE PADUA - null
Externo ao Programa - 1624482 - SERGIO SAUER - null
Notícia cadastrada em: 13/06/2024 10:30
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