Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Rafaella dos Santos Cavalcanti

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Rafaella dos Santos Cavalcanti
DATE: 10/01/2023
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Videoconferência

Influences of the urban structure on the health of the 60+ population: identification of urban patterns that contribute to health promotion


healthy cities. self-sufficient cells. urban spatial quality. chronic noncommunicable diseases. Covid-19.

PAGES: 101
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Arquitetura e Urbanismo

The search for better urban health conditions has always been present since the city became the locus of the economic system of nations. This fact led to the emergence of movements in search of healthier cities, initially focusing on solutions in sanitation infrastructure, and more recently – in countries where these issues have already been resolved – on the ability of urban patterns to provide more active lives for people and thus contribute to their health.
Due to these efforts, today there are many studies delineating urban patterns that contribute to reducing non-contagious diseases by providing a break from people’s sedentary lifestyles – the elderly being among the most benefited. These studies, which have already resulted in public policies within the European community, do not find the same resonance in Brazil, where basic sanitation continues to be the main topic of discussion in this debate. However, both these issues are important in Brazil, since according to other research studies the country has 41 million obese people (amongst people aged 18 or over), and a percentage of 40.3% of adults and more than half (59.7%) of people over 60 who are sedentary (IBGE, 2020).
Another challenge that arose recently was the Covid-19 pandemic. The need for social distancing to control spreading raised questions over several recommendations that had been established for the promotion of a healthy city. Among them, urban compactness and the multiple uses of spaces, which can lead to agglomerations that are not recommended in a pandemic context. This fact has led to other research, still incipient at the international level, on urban patterns that make certain urban fractions dependent upon other urban fractions, resulting in the need for multiple displacements throughout the urban fabric. A study along these lines was carried out in 2021, by Pinedo and colleagues, in Madrid, where they rescued the idea of “self-sufficient cells” in the urban fabric as a means of controlling contagion from the Covid-19 virus.
Without having a direct focus on cities suitable for pandemics, there was already in the international literature a search for urban spaces capable of satisfying the basic needs of people in few walking minutes (such as Carlos Moreno’s proposal of “a city 15 minutes away”, or even slightly older concepts such as that of an ‘active city’).
Given this scenario, and taking into account the most frequent diseases among the elderly and the specificities of Brazilian cities, the present study raises the following questions: what are the elements and attributes that configure the urban space of self-sufficient cells that can facilitate an active lifestyle? How can we assess the relationship between this morphology and its contribution to the health of the population?
Succinctly, this research study seeks to identify patterns of self-sufficient and active urban spaces, capable of meeting the needs of the population aged 60 years and older with diseases related to a sedentary lifestyle. An empirical study will be carried out in the city of Recife, through spatial analysis, where urban patterns that facilitate the life of the targeted audience will be identified. The expected result is that this study will be able to contribute to the construction of healthier cities.

Externa à Instituição - CIRCE MARIA GAMA MONTEIRO - UFPE
Externa ao Programa - 2164530 - GABRIELA DE SOUZA TENORIO
Externa à Instituição - INGRID LUIZA NETO - UDF
Presidente - 1170755 - MARIA DO CARMO DE LIMA BEZERRA
Notícia cadastrada em: 10/01/2023 09:25
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