Banca de DEFESA: Carlos Adriano Santos Constantino

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Carlos Adriano Santos Constantino
DATE: 30/06/2023
TIME: 15:00
LOCAL: Auditório da FAU - híbrida - link para banca em

Minha Casa, Minha Vida - Entidades Housing Program: steps forward, backwards and crossroads


Housing policy; social habitation; entities management; technical assistance; Minha Casa, Minha Vida Housing Program; Minha Casa, Minha Vida-Entidades Housing Program.

PAGES: 400
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Arquitetura e Urbanismo

Throughout 11 years of the Brazilian housing program named Minha Casa, Minha Vida - PMCMV (2009 to 2020), a vast amount of resources has been available for its different subprograms, resulting in a large number of new housing units. Thus, the program enabled the country to mobilize, in a relatively brief period, resources and a productive structure capable of facing its serious housing problem. However, many critics have pointed out problems regarding the location of housing, low quality projects and their subtle contribution to the life of cities and people. For the most part, the PMCMV subprogram called Entidades (PMCMV-E) has been spared from such criticism, even though it represents a small portion of the PMCMV - this being, in fact, a sensitive point of criticism. This work researches social housing policies and aims to dialogue with the specialized literature on the subject, especially those that address how entities manage the entire process of approval and construction of housing units. It studies the PMCMV, focusing on its subprogram Entidades (PMCMV-E), which had the greatest possibility of implementing projects as well as work processes that deviate from the prevailing standards of popular social housing. In this sense, this work studies the relevance of PMCMV-E within the entire housing program, its advances, limitations and challenges - the latter referred here as crossroads. Posing as investigation questions (i) the development of the subprogram, considering its original proposals related to entities construction management; the difficulties and the limits inherent to programs managed by entities; the constraints imposed by the specific rules of the PMCMV and the strategies adopted by the entities to overtake them; the incentives to expand and gains in efficiency/effectiveness that could be offered to the subprogram; the structural and conjunctural reasons for the limited scale. To explore these questions, a set of procedures and methods were adopted, such as, the study of the bibliography related to housing, as well as to the theoretical and empirical issues of entities management programs, and to the PMCMV in general and Entidades specifically; study of PMCMV regulations, reports from the Ministério das Cidades and Caixa Econômica Federal; interviews with stakeholders in the implementation of the program, such as entities coordinators, members of technical advisory services to entities, etc.; and analysis of projects, photographs and aerial images of housing units and their location; and field research in location selected due to analytical interest. Among the results obtained, it is to be mentiong the organization and discussion of fundamental aspects pointed out as positives and negatives of the subprogram in light of the critical literature, and the organization of proposals to improve procedures, expand the scope of the subprogram, etc. In this way, the research intends to contribute to the deepening of reflection and critical knowledge of the policies and praxis of entities management housing as a public policy of the State.

Presidente - 671574 - BENNY SCHVARSBERG
Interna - 3316484 - CRISTIANE GUINANCIO
Externa à Instituição - Júlia Lins Bittencourt - UFABC
Externo à Instituição - NABIL GEORGES BONDUKI
Externo ao Programa - 2255715 - THIAGO APARECIDO TRINDADE
Notícia cadastrada em: 15/06/2023 13:37
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