Banca de DEFESA: Isabela Oliveira Pereira

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Isabela Oliveira Pereira
DATE: 21/08/2023
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Auditório da FAU, Prof. Jayme Golubov

Project and management of urban public spaces: Study on the use of partnerships in the implementation of land subdivisions


complete street, urban dynamism, public private partnership, land subdivision, posture codes

PAGES: 166
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Arquitetura e Urbanismo

Brazilian cities have encountered several difficulties in providing the population with quality public spaces, understood here as those that offer positive experiences in city use, especially in the dimensions of mobility, social interaction, and urban economy. Although the constitutional attribution to execute urban development policies lies with the municipalities, the benefits associated with quality public spaces, also known as dynamic spaces, motivate various social sectors to participate in promoting them. For this purpose, there are instruments of urban law that facilitate the realization of project and management of public spaces with the participation of public and private agents. Among these instruments, land subdivision stands out as the starting point for structuring public spaces. Facing this problem, the study aimed to identify project guidelines and management responsibilities to make urban land subdivisions promoters of urban spatial quality. To do so, the concept of public space, its functions, typologies, and what defines urban dynamism were explored, as well as the instruments of urban law. Three main aspects were discussed: how the land subdivision norm can promote the incorporation of project guidelines to achieve the urban characteristics that define spatial urban quality; how it can promote improvements in spatial management through definitions of responsibility distribution, and how the code of postures can become the instrument that concentrates norms for project and management of public spaces in partnership between public and private sectors. The method approached the project dimension by constructing tables with urban characteristics and urban project guidelines highlighted in specialized literature as facilitators of urban dynamism. In the management dimension, synthesis tables of urban law instruments associated with the modalities of 'controlled access allotments' and ‘condominium of lots’ were also constructed. The findings are used to evaluate the project of the 'Cidade Urbitá' neighborhood, to be implemented in Brasília/DF/Brazil, regarding the sufficiency of guidelines for promoting the dynamism of public spaces. As contributions, the work proposes recommendations for the improvement of regulations related to land subdivision in order to promote the quality of public spaces.

Externo à Instituição - VICTOR CARVALHO PINTO - SENADO
Externa à Instituição - Cristina Maria Correia de Mello Florencio - SEDUH
Presidente - 1170755 - MARIA DO CARMO DE LIMA BEZERRA
Notícia cadastrada em: 10/08/2023 17:07
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