Banca de DEFESA: Paulo Robert Santos Machado

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Paulo Robert Santos Machado
DATE: 08/02/2024
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: Videoconferência -

Rehabilitation of the Braghetto Bridge: Historical, Constructive and Conservation


Braghetto Bridge, Urban Infrastructure, Structural Safety and Structural Performance, Aderson Moreira da Rocha.

PAGES: 135
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Arquitetura e Urbanismo

The creation of Brasília, in the '60s, was characterized by a break with the tradition of architecture in parallel with international modernism, conceived with the aim of expressing the optimism of a new era through architecture, the highest form of artistic expression, founded another understanding of spatial qualities, using technological and structural innovations (MACDONALD, 2007). The architecture of Brasília has many important achievements in the area of structural engineering, many of which are original and innovative for the time of execution. The Braghetto Bridge, called “The Great Viaduct over Lake Brasília”, was built in 1960 by SETAL Sociedade de Engenharia e Terraplenagem Alberto Ltda. with a project by Prof. Aderson Moreira da Rocha, represented the introduction of some important technical innovations such as prestressing and the prestressed reinforced concrete construction system, being the precursor of a new technique destined to revolutionize the concepts of prestressed concrete. The case of the Braghetto Bridge represents a firm starting point for future operations to maintain Brazilian capital assets. It is worth noting that reviewing information that is relevant to the preservation of modern heritage, adopting aspects of the initial project, conservation, interventions over time that resulted in the expansion of the bridge's capacity with due structural reinforcements, intended to carry out a large part of South-North movements and vice versa, it should be considered one of the main road arteries in Brasília both in terms of importance in terms of urban structure and in terms of vehicular volume.

Interno - 2352146 - JOAO DA COSTA PANTOJA
Externo ao Programa - 1152159 - LEONARDO DA SILVEIRA PIRILLO INOJOSA - nullPresidente - 2212892 - MARCIO AUGUSTO ROMA BUZAR
Notícia cadastrada em: 02/02/2024 15:25
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