Banca de DEFESA: Samara Sotero Gomes Camico

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Samara Sotero Gomes Camico
DATE: 11/03/2024
TIME: 18:00
LOCAL: Videoconferência -


architecture, fire safety, morphological dimensions

PAGES: 112
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Arquitetura e Urbanismo

This search deals with the influence of fire and panic safety and the design of building architecture. The purpose of this research is to address the importance of architects' knowledge to design a building based on both morphological dimensions and current technical fire safety standards in Brazil, especially in the Federal District. The body responsible for approving the fire and panic prevention installation project in the Federal District is the Federal District Military Fire Department. Initially, through a case study of a public school, what and what the morphological dimensions are will be presented and associated with the technical standards of the CBMDF. An evaluation of the morphological dimensions and preventive systems implemented in the aforementioned case study will be carried out. This research also presents insights through interviews with military firefighters, who are public administration inspectors, who analyze and supervise projects that have been regularized with the State for licensing purposes for construction or operation, in addition to perceptions of knowledge of architects and urban planners on the topic, mainly during the graduation that these professionals received in their training. Three example simulations will be carried out to verify variations in the requirements of fire and panic safety measures for very similar buildings, allowing the verification of distinctions between results for each risk a building has, for example, with the same built areas and activities. similar. Finally, two practical examples of schools are presented in which the fire and panic prevention project was carried out after the architecture was executed, which resulted in losses and/or challenges, mainly financial, to the owners and/or renters of the buildings where these schools operate. These losses and challenges were verified through interviews that are also exposed and discussed in this research. The previous choices of a project based on its risks determine its occupancy and risk classifications, resulting in cost variations and interventions in buildings so that they regularize their operations. Ultimately, the aim is to carry out a study that can help architects and other professionals in the design field, in their responsibilities related to fire safety, protection of life and property.

Interno - 2352146 - JOAO DA COSTA PANTOJA
Externo ao Programa - 1152159 - LEONARDO DA SILVEIRA PIRILLO INOJOSA - nullPresidente - 2212892 - MARCIO AUGUSTO ROMA BUZAR
Externo à Instituição - MARCO AURELIO SOUZA BESSA - CEUB
Notícia cadastrada em: 08/02/2024 14:46
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