Coimbra Bueno e Cia Ltda: its history from the case of two new cities Luiziânia (SP) and Rubiataba (GO).
Coimbra Bueno, Luiziânia, Rubiataba, New Cities.
In this work it is presented the company Coimbra Bueno e Cia Ltda together with its founders, the brothers Jeronymo Coimbra Bueno and Abelardo Coimbra Bueno from a perspective that goes beyond the point of view narrated until then from the creation of the capital Goiânia. Its way of acting is revealed through two new cities, Luiziânia, in the interior of São Paulo and, Rubiataba in the interior of Goiás. A comparative analysis is made between the urban plans of these two cities and their foundation histories. The work will discuss the political and social contexts prevailing in the 1930s and 1940s (1929 crisis, Vargas government, March to the West, construction of new roads) that contributed from the academic formation of the brothers to the partnership and influence of the actions of the State in the undertakings and paths traced by the company and the brothers until the end of the 1940s. This work presents many primary sources about the company and the Coimbra Bueno family, showing itself only as an initial clipping that opens the way for new research to regarding the performance of this organization in the face of Brazilian urban historiography.