Banca de DEFESA: Laila Mendonça Pessôa de Melo

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Laila Mendonça Pessôa de Melo
DATE: 30/09/2022
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: Videoconferência

Being-in-Architecture: the coexistence-existential architecture of Peter Zumthor


Architecture; Peter Zumthor; Existencialism; Heidegger.

PAGES: 300
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Arquitetura e Urbanismo

Recognizing architecture as a type of mediator of human existence, architecture can be treated as a phenomenon that transforms the human world and everything that constitutes it. In order to understand architectural spaces from the ontological dimension of existing, this work is grounded mainly on Martin Heidegger's theories, based on the link between our experience of being and the space that surrounds us. Supported by an existentialist approach, the objective of this work is to provide a horizon of meaning in which architecture is discussed beyond a purely functional building and, also, beyond just a visual or stylistic object. To this end, we will defend architecture as a work capable of essentially dialoguing with man and the surrounding world, that is, we will approach architecture as an existential spatiality. From the experience of being in conjuncture with things in the perspective of an inhabited world, it is intended to make an analogy between Heidegger’s being-in-the-world and being-in-architecture, paraphrased, in this work, to indicate the human face to its existence in architecture. Man, intertwined with architecture as a co-constituent part of his existential space, is no longer taken as a mere spectator and assumes his position as coexisting-being. The term “coexisting-being” makes explicit the possibility of a fundamental exchange between human existence and architectural spatiality. In better words, there is a dialectical and transformative link between the human being as a coexisting-being and his coexistential architectural space. Seeking to discuss the horizon of meaning opened by the totality of the architectural work and starting from the thought that the coexisting-being assimilates, consciously or not, and dialogues with the space around him, we will approach the architectural design process and some architectural works built by the swiss architect Peter Zumthor. Thus, from the existentialist philosophy of Heidegger and the architectural work of Peter Zumthor, it is intended to point out the dialectical relationship between the coexisting-being and the architectural work, where the compositional totality of the work enables an opening of dialogue with the coexisting-being: a coexistence-existential architecture.

Externa à Instituição - LIGIA TERESA SARAMAGO PÁDUA - PUC - RJ
Externo à Instituição - MICHEL TOUSSAINT ALVES PEREIRA - ULisboa
Notícia cadastrada em: 02/08/2022 11:24
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