Banca de DEFESA: Ana Carolina Fernandes Pires

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Ana Carolina Fernandes Pires
DATE: 28/02/2024
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Videoconferência -

Configurational Comparative Analysis of Brazilian Functional Metropolises


Configuration, Metropolises, Space Syntax.

PAGES: 200
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Arquitetura e Urbanismo
SUBÁREA: Projeto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo
SPECIALTY: Planejamento e Projeto do Espaço Urbano

The research constitutes a comparative analysis of Brazilian Metropolitan Arrangements under the configurational approach of the space-form of human settlements. Many studies capture the metropolitan phenomenon through analysis of satellite images combined with mathematical procedures that allow identifying how fragmented, dispersed and low-density these areas in Brazil are, in addition to presenting a relationship of dependence between the hub municipality and the other constituent municipalities, generally interpreted based on commuting movements, under the effect of the centrality of the metropolitan pole. There are also configurational studies on metropolises, but they are not comparative or do not cover a sample that goes beyond regional limits. Little is known about the topological and geometric characteristics of Brazilian metropolitan arrangements in relation to the travel possibilities that they provide or condition through their configuration: the relationship between objects in the built urban space. In this context, this research allows new perspectives on Metropolitan Arrangements, and seeks to contribute to the planning of these areas which, by attracting more and more residents (UNITED NATIONS, 2020), should provide an urbanization process whose benefits are maximized to the detriment of impacts which are associated with the way of accommodating the population in the territory, mainly related to accessibility to study, leisure and work opportunities. Therefore, as an objective, we intend to advance the understanding of metropolitan space and analyze in a comparative way the configurational characteristics of Brazilian metropolises related to the different potential degrees of accessibility (based on topological, metric and geometric distances) that they present and evaluate what the performance associated with these characteristics. It is based on the hypothesis that there are relational patterns intrinsic to the formation of the metropolitan arrangement in Brazil, whose characteristics can facilitate the identification of a metropolitan configurational typology. The sample is composed of Metropolitan Population Arrangements constituted according to the methodology adopted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE, 2016) and selected based on criteria of centrality and influence in the national urban network of Cities by (IBGE, 2020). The main theoretical-methodological-tool approach to achieve this objective comes from the Theory of Social Logic of Space, or Spatial Syntax, whose systemic reading allows the understanding of the relationships between society and space, based on the elaboration of Axial and Segment Maps on images of current satellites whose processing generates variables capable of expressing, in geometric, metric and topological dimensions, how conducive or not the system is to social interactions and access to places and opportunities based on the ease of movement offered by the city's street system.

Presidente - 1705690 - ROMULO JOSE DA COSTA RIBEIRO
Interno - ***.541.874-** - VALERIO AUGUSTO SOARES DE MEDEIROS - UnB
Externa ao Programa - 2164530 - GABRIELA DE SOUZA TENORIO - UnBExterna à Instituição - ERIKA CRISTINE KNEIB - UFG
Notícia cadastrada em: 11/01/2024 09:18
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