Banca de DEFESA: Willian Pereira do Nascimento

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Willian Pereira do Nascimento
DATE: 29/09/2022
TIME: 14:00

An abandoned rose: Brazilian society, intellectuality and dictatorship in the novel Quatro-Olhos by Renato Pompeu


Literature, dictatorship, memory

PAGES: 123
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: História

Died in February 2014, the writer and journalist Renato Pompeu won three Abril awards and an Esso journalism award, the latter the most important distinction awarded to a professional in the Brazilian press. As a writer he left 22 books published, among them, a novel called Quatro-Olhos, from 1976. Quatro-Olhos draws attention to the very unique way in which Renato Pompeu treats the period of military dictatorship in Brazil. By opting for a language full of metaphors, Pompeu infuses the impasses of modern life and its existential dilemmas in the political situation of the country, so that Quatro-Olhos never presents a solid sense, fully tangible, one-way or homogeneous, as if commenting on the dictatorship, Pompey spoke of his own human condition. In Quatro-Olhos, the title character finds himself distressed, depressed and distraught trying to reconstruct the memory of a book that was lost when the protagonist was taken away by agents of repression. The lost book serves as a metaphor for what the narrator thinks about society, how it is, how it should be, and how distant it is from answering these questions. In a period when the State practices persecution, torture and murder, Quatro-Olhos is not only a way to escape censorship, but also a way of expressing what is beyond language, beyond even what we call humanity. Through Quatro-Olhos we will analyze some ideas and behaviors of Brazilian society in the 60s-80s, the relationship between its social organization and the repressive politics of the State.

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Notícia cadastrada em: 28/09/2022 18:43
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