Banca de DEFESA: Vanessa de Jesus Queiroz

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Vanessa de Jesus Queiroz
DATE: 22/08/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Online

“BLOOD IN THE FIELD OF HONOR”: An analysis about Brazilian medical profession in the Paraguayan War.


Medical profession. Paraguay War. National medicine. Brazilian medical class. Brazilian medical written production. 

PAGES: 283
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: História
SUBÁREA: História do Brasil
SPECIALTY: História do Brasil Império

The present thesis is dedicated to understanding the connections between the medical profession and the Paraguayan War, investigating the diversities, conflicts and negotiations that were consequences of the approximation of civil and military professional realities. The hypothesis is defended that the conflagration was an exceptional moment to understand about to be a doctor in Brazil in the second half of the 19th century, a period deeply influenced by the War. This war was characterized by diseases, especially those of an epidemic nature on and off the battlefield, as key elements to be considered in the strategies formulated by the State and other authorities, as illnesses were the main causes of losses due to debilitation or death. Combating and preventing casualties were urgent objectives of the Imperial Government, as they affected the march and success of the armies, overloaded the public coffers and stained the conception of an enlightened and progressive nation that was constantly erected by the Brazilian State that wanted to promote national sentiment, so fundamental to raising symbolic and effective support for its positions and undertakings with the Triple Alliance against Paraguay. The concern with health and hygiene in war was motivated by the danger they would represent to public order, if they were exported from the battlefield, also because the mobilization to the south to help the Allied forces significantly reduced the number of doctors who took care of teaching and clinical care in the country. This scenario, which had other problems such as recruitment difficulties and constant desertions, was used by the Brazilian medical class, which was formed as such, as an argument in favor of its professional corporation. At the same time that these subjects were affected by the struggle, which highlighted dilemmas faced since the period prior to it and, likewise, launched new questions that put their usefulness and authority at stake, they took advantage of it to prove them to the State and other social groups in order to be able to intervene in the relationships they maintained with them. The production of documents was a widely used and evident tactic of movements that were, in essence, plural. From the scrutiny of ministerial reports, medical journals and the mainstream press, letters, correspondence, reports and memoirs, an analysis is produced here aimed at understanding the many perplexities caused by the rise of a War that lasted longer than expected and brought together different professional social realities. The narrative presented here focuses on understanding the consequences arising from these approximations, situating them in relation to how this structure worked in the period prior to the event.

Presidente - 2544015 - MARCELO BALABAN
Externo à Instituição - JORGE PRATA DE SOUSA - UNIVERSO
Notícia cadastrada em: 17/08/2023 07:31
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