Banca de DEFESA: Bárbara de Almeida Carvalho

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Bárbara de Almeida Carvalho
DATE: 22/12/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: sala de defesas do PPGHIS/UnB

Teaching Women's History: female modes of subjectivation and teaching knowledge in the Nova Escola Class Plan (2017-2020) 


History Teaching; Women; Representation; Teaching Knowledge; Lesson Plans. 

PAGES: 104
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: História

This dissertation has as its subject the study of the female modes of subjectivation and the teaching knowledge mobilized for the lessons plans of Women's History on the educational portal Nova Escola, published online between the years 2017 and 2019. Examining twelve History lesson plans designed for the later years of Elementary School, exclusively centered on women, allowed the identification and analysis of female representations (including names, contexts of action and collective/racial identifications). Furthermore, the study explored the curriculum content and learning objectives predominantly utilized in integrating women into historical narratives, as well as the curriculum content and learning objectives in History, more mobilized in how they are integrated and inserted. From this sample, a didactic sequence focusing on women in Antiquity and the Middle Ages was selected for a thorough analysis of production conditions, values, curricular contents, learning objectives, teaching resources, teaching methods, pedagogical trends, conceptions of gender, reference knowledge and modes of representation (imagery/textual) of women, aiming the understanding of women's modes of subjectivation and their articulation within the curriculum (BNCC) and societal expectations for gender equality in education. Despite significant progress in incorporating women into History education, especially in addressing the plurality of roles assumed by women in the past, didactic proposals that involve an approximation of the past and the present, establishing comparisons between the experiences of women from different eras, reveal certain challenges and limitations. 

Thisdissertationhas as itssubjectthestudyofthefemalemodesofsubjectivationandtheteachingknowledgemobilized for thelessonsplansofWomen'sHistoryontheeducational portal Nova Escola, published online betweentheyears 2017 and 2019. ExaminingtwelveHistorylessonplansdesigned for the later yearsofElementarySchool, exclusivelycenteredonwomen, allowedtheidentificationandanalysisoffemalerepresentations (includingnames, contextsofactionandcollective/racial identifications). Furthermore, thestudyexploredthe curriculum contentandlearningobjectivespredominantlyutilized in integratingwomenintohistoricalnarratives, as well as the curriculum contentandlearningobjectives in History, more mobilized in howthey are integratedandinserted. Fromthis sample, a didacticsequencefocusingonwomen in AntiquityandtheMiddle Ages wasselected for athoroughanalysisofproductionconditions, values, curricular contents, learningobjectives, teachingresources, teachingmethods, pedagogicaltrends, conceptionsof gender, referenceknowledgeandmodesofrepresentation (imagery/textual) ofwomen, aimingtheunderstandingofwomen'smodesofsubjectivationandtheirarticulationwithinthe curriculum (BNCC) andsocietalexpectations for gender equality in education. Despitesignificantprogress in incorporatingwomenintoHistoryeducation, especially in addressingthepluralityof roles assumedbywomen in thepast, didacticproposalsthatinvolveanapproximationofthepastandthepresent, establishingcomparisonsbetweentheexperiencesofwomenfromdifferent eras, revealcertainchallengesandlimitations. 

Externa ao Programa - 2448223 - CRISTIANE DE ASSIS PORTELA - nullExterna à Instituição - FABIANA FRANCISCA MACENA - SEEDF
Notícia cadastrada em: 21/12/2023 10:44
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