Banca de DEFESA: Michel Gomes Nogueira

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Michel Gomes Nogueira
DATE: 01/03/2024
TIME: 14:45
LOCAL: Departamento de História - Pós

Cases study about cyber conflicts in the 21st century and its reflection for the elaboration of a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) at the national level.


Cyber conflicts, Business Continuity Plan (BCP), Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

PAGES: 190
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: História
SUBÁREA: História Moderna e Contemporânea

Let's imagine that Brazil was under massive cyber attack. How to act if the attack affected the financial system, the energy matrix, means of transport, telecommunications, the data network, among many other sensitive sectors of a nation. A defense action based on international or national law could be a coherent decision, as well as a militarized response, even using real weapons. These assumptions find support in the recent history of cyberspace, there are several factors involved that would need to be analyzed for an effective treatment of cyber conflict, especially if they are of large proportions, which may pose a risk of death and the failure of the organic functioning of an entire society. The research makes a historical analysis of cyber conflicts that occurred from the beginning of the 21st century in different countries around the world, mainly in Eastern Europe until the beginning of the Russian invasion in Ukraine, in March 2022. The case study permeates the content history in its real context and the variables that influenced it, seeks to understand the mechanisms and consequences of a cyberattack that, depending on its impact, can be considered an act of war. The study also serves as a basis for presenting a proposal for joint action and reaction by the various sectors of civil and military society, with the presence of the primary agent, the State and its institutions, as well as the private sector, foreign representations, among others. involved. Unifying all these agents against a cybernetic threat with the objective of elaborating a national business continuity plan is the core of the development of the thesis of this work.

Presidente - 2308048 - VIRGILIO CAIXETA ARRAES
Interno - 1714125 - CARLOS EDUARDO VIDIGAL
Externo ao Programa - 1217330 - VICENTE CARLOS RODRIGUES ALVAREZ DOBRORUKA - UnBExterno à Instituição - JOÃO FÁBIO BERTONHA - UEM
Externo à Instituição - SIDNEI JOSE MUNHOZ - UEM
Notícia cadastrada em: 17/01/2024 07:48
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