Aljubarrota: a battle of narratives
Battle of Aljubarrota; Medieval Portugal; Avis Dynasty; Historiography
This dissertation proposes a study of different interpretations of the past about a famous historical event, the Battle of Aljubarrota (1385), in order to understand how this history/memory is (re)constructed in academic (synthesis and monographic history), scholarly and dissemination forms, connected to the narrative force of medieval chronistics. The aim is thus to present the historiographical narratives about the Battle of Aljubarrota, subdivided into different typologies: synthesis, monographic, scholarly and dissemination. Next, we study the chronicle narratives about Aljubarrota, using three reference authors: Pero López de Ayala, Fernão Lopes and Jean Froissart. Finally, a comparative analysis is made between these different narratives, the chronicle and the historiographical, with the aim of observing the intertwining, repetitions, displacements and contrasts in the process of fixing and transforming the memory of the Battle of Aljubarrota as a historical fact.