Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Caio Felipe de Barros Souza

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Caio Felipe de Barros Souza
DATE: 02/12/2022
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Videoconferência

Detection of virulent populations of Meloidogyne spp. in cotton culture, genetic diversity, races, resistance and comparative histopathology in Gossypium spp.


Guava root-knot nematode, physiological races, RAPD, AFLP, esterase phenotypes, SCAR markers, resistance and mechanisms of action.

BIG AREA: Ciências Biológicas
AREA: Biologia Geral

Meloidogyne enterolobii is a species of root-knot nematode highly polyphagous and virulent to several crops of economic interest. This nematode is a limiting factor in the commercial production of guava in Brazil. The synergistic interaction between this nematode and Fusarium spp. (decline of guava) was reported in Brazil and in other countries. Considering the difficulty of identifying M. enterolobii only by morphological criteria, the characterization of this nematode is currently carried out using the esterase enzyme phenotype or molecular markers. Considering the low genetic variability among isolates of M. enterolobii from guava, genetic resistance can be considered an effective method of control, and recently Embrapa launched the rootstock 'BRS Guaraçá' for planting in areas infested with M. enterolobii. Studies have shown that the nematode occurring in guava in Brazil is, in terms of differentiating hosts, equivalent to that of race 2 of M. incognita, that is, it does not parasitize cotton. Recently, a population of M. enterolobii was detected in Minas Gerais, breaking the resistance of the cotton cultivar resistant to M. incognita, IMA 5801B2RF, therefore, a population equivalent to race 4. Recent surveys in western Bahia detected the presence of this race 4 in resistant cotton plants in other areas. Currently, the fallow of cotton is regulated and mandatory in all cotton-producing regions of Brazil, done mainly chemically with herbicides or mechanically with specialized implements. However, the influence of these methods on the population of plant-parasitic nematodes in the soil is not known. The objectives of this project are: i) to identify virulent populations of M. enterolobii to the cotton cultivar IMA 5801 B2RF, in the state of Bahia; ii) to study the races of different populations of M. enterolobii detected in different crops, including cotton, characterizing the variability of these populations with molecular markers; iii) to study other sources of resistance to nematodes in cotton crops, in relation to different races of M. enterolobii; iv) to study the parasitic behavior of two races of M. enterolobii on the guava rootstocks ‘BRS Guaraçá’ and ‘Paluma’ and v) to study the influence of cotton stalk destruction methods on the population density of plant nematodes.

Externo à Instituição - AILTON REIS - EMBRAPA
Interno - 2254987 - DANILO BATISTA PINHO
Presidente - 6404906 - JUVENIL ENRIQUE CARES
Interno - 3051226 - MAURICIO ROSSATO
Notícia cadastrada em: 27/10/2022 17:28
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