Banca de DEFESA: Marcos Paulo Caballero Victorio

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Marcos Paulo Caballero Victorio
DATE: 29/06/2023
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Videoconferência

Modelagem e Simulação do Sistema de Controle de uma Microrrede de Corrente Alternada Integrando Sistemas Fotovoltaicos e Armazenamento de Energia


não há.

PAGES: 188
BIG AREA: Engenharias
AREA: Engenharia Elétrica
SUBÁREA: Sistemas Elétricos de Potência
SPECIALTY: Conversão e Retificação da Energia Elétrica

In the last decade, the search for sustainability and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions has led many countries to significantly increase the use of renewable energy sources. Following this global trend, between 2012 and 2022, Brazil significantly increased its installed capacity of wind and solar energy, the former from 1.89 GW to 21.5 GW, and the latter from 6.61 MW to 22.3 GW. In this context, some important regulations have recently been enacted, such as Law No. 14,300 of January 6, 2022, which established the legal framework for micro and mini distributed generation, allowed consumers to produce their own energy from renewable sources, and created the Energy Compensation System and the Social Renewable Energy Program. Also, there is Ordinance No. 140/2022, from INMETRO, which represented a major breakthrough for the electricity sector, allowing the use of hybrid inverters of up to 75 kW. Furthermore, in 2020, COPEL launched a pilot project aimed at purchasing energy from generators connected to the distribution system, provided they meet the requirement of constituting a microgrid. With the evolution of regulations and technologies, it is expected that the use of microgrids will become increasingly common and accessible in Brazil. Therefore, this work carried out the study of modeling the components and controls necessary for the correct operation of a microgrid capable of operating connected to or islanded from the grid, validating the models through computer simulations in the Simulink® software. The implemented microgrid is three-phase four-wire, with two-stage photovoltaic systems and battery banks. In the CC-CC stage of the photovoltaic system, a Boost converter with the Incremental Conductance MPPT algorithm was used. For the CC-CA stage, a three-level NPC inverter with Space Vector modulation was used. To control the power flow of the battery banks, a bidirectional Buck-Boost converter was used. Finally, the following controls were also implemented: reduction of voltage unbalance of the CC bus capacitors, reduction of voltage unbalance on the AC side, limitation of the power of the photovoltaic modules, detection of islanding, synchronization for reconnection, secondary voltage, frequency, and active power controls, and energy management.

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