Banca de DEFESA: Raphael Alves Bruce

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Raphael Alves Bruce
DATE: 20/12/2022
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Virtual



consortium blockchain; interbank transaction; scalability; performance; privacy; audit; smart contracts.

PAGES: 103
BIG AREA: Engenharias
AREA: Engenharia Elétrica
SUBÁREA: Telecomunicações
SPECIALTY: Sistemas deTelecomunicações

Blockchain technology has emerged as the primary mechanism of cryptocurrencies and by maintaining a distributed database that relies on consensus processes for data persistence it has been considered for use in many other applications, mainly due to its characteristics of availability, security and decentralization. The timing for technology is also very favorable due to current scenarios where business integration and data sharing between business partners is increasingly required. As the peer-to-peer blockchain network provides a ledger distributed among the participating nodes that is shared with transparency, immutability and reliability, investments in it have increased, crediting it as a technological solution. Considering this approach, this dissertation proposes a model for using consortium blockchain to communicate interbank transactions between partner financial entities, replacing legacy interfaces based on batch file processing. This model is concerned with scalability and performance and has as main contributions: a) the use of Patricia Merkle Tree to establish a chaining process that allows better scalability when compared to the most widespread blockchain solutions, b) the proposition of a hybrid consensus engine that retains the advantages and overcomes the problems of proof of authority and practical byzantine fault tolerance (PBFT) primarily, outperforming the proof of work mechanism, generally implemented in blockchains, and c) adoption additional data privacy guidelines to maintain the confidentiality of information in a context of transparency and distribution, meeting the requirement that all personal data and sensitive information remain confidential. Establishing an audit layer to maintain the rules agreed by the consortium with the use of smart contracts for automatic and permanent monitoring. The proposal is validated by the development and testing of its corresponding prototype, considering the evaluation of the proposed and defined functionalities for the model, as well as the performance in comparasion to the mechanisms generally chosen in the most common blockchain implementations.

Externo à Instituição - DANIEL ALVES DA SILVA
Presidente - 2131191 - DANIEL GUERREIRO E SILVA
Interno - 1771918 - UGO SILVA DIAS
Notícia cadastrada em: 06/12/2022 11:30
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