RF Front End receiver measurement and optimization at Ku Band for mobile satellite communication and IOT solutions
Front End RF, Receiver, Satellite Communication, IoT
Satellite communication systems must recover the transmitted signal, process it correctly,
and add as little noise as possible, as free space and rain significantly attenuate the signal.
This work presents the heterodyne radio frequency receiver development, systemic simulations, and measurements for a mobile satellite communication terminal operating in the
Ku band, along with a system based on the LoRa communication for devices and adding
IoT functionality to the product. In addition, the passive filters, mixer, and LNA was projected and designed using Advanced Design System software. The work is part of a larger
project, which deals with the design of the complete mobile terminal. This work presents a
compilation of sub-items from three projects focused on satellite communication and LoRa,
developed throughout the master’s degree.