A Difusão da Propriedade Intelectual nas Instituições de Ciência e Tecnologia (ICTs): O Caso da Universidade de Brasília
Intellectual Property. ICTs. Good habits
The research aims to analyze the strategies for disseminating Intellectual Property at UnB, through a comparative study with other national institutions and foreign universities. The problem that demands the study arose from the widespread need to raise awareness in Brazilian society about the importance of Intellectual Property and was implemented through the following research question: “How is UNB contributing to the dissemination, training and training in Intellectual Property?” . The specific objectives of the research are: to identify the strategies for disseminating intellectual property implemented by UNB and to present a mapping of good practices for disseminating intellectual property culture implemented by Brazilian ICTs and foreign universities. To operationalize the research, Execution Reports of the Action Plans of the National Intellectual Property Strategy, documents from some ICTS and foreign universities will be analyzed