Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Ana Cristina dos Santos

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Ana Cristina dos Santos
DATE: 04/10/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Brasília

Practices for Licensing/Providing Technology in a Agricultural Research Company


Embrapa; innovation; r&d; technology transfer

BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração
SUBÁREA: Administração Pública
SPECIALTY: Planejamento em Ciência e Tecnologia

The composition of the Brazilian National Science, Technology and Innovation System – SNCTI includes several institutions that play different roles in the innovation scenario. In addition to S&T policy makers and research funding institution, there are Scientific, Technological and Innovation Institutions (ICT) that carry out R&D PROJECTS so that the country evolves in scientific and technological development. In this scenario, some public ICTs take a leading role in enabling technological solutions for the benefit of society. In the specific case of Brazilian agribusiness, Embrapa is an ICT that operates in a dynamic way to generate R&D results and transfer them to the productive sector, with a focus on sustainable development and the guarantee of food security. When considering this dynamic, it is necessary to understand how the Technology Transfer process takes place in this company to negotiate technological assets developed within the logic of the new legal framework for innovation, involving legal aspects of intellectual property, different types of business and types of partnership. Given Embrapa's territorial scope, with research units working on different themes and in all biomes, it’s possible that some of these units may be more successful in negotiations such as technology licensing/supply, which could be shared so that the others follow the same route. And it is in this context that this study aimed to analyze the transfers of technological assets carried out by Embrapa Units with the investigation of business practices that could contribute to the intensification of licensing/supply of technologies in the company. The methodology consisted of a Case Study with the application of the benchmarking technique to investigate, in some Units, the best business practices in technology licensing/supply. In the end, this research produced a Conclusive Technical Report presenting the business practices adopted by R&D units.

Presidente - ***.478.636-** - LEILA MARIA DA JUDA BIJOS - UnB
Interna - 2609545 - MARIA HOSANA CONCEICAO
Externa à Instituição - Melissa Braga - EMBRAPA
Notícia cadastrada em: 25/09/2023 17:31
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