Banca de DEFESA: Waleska Karinne Soares Coutinho Souto

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Waleska Karinne Soares Coutinho Souto
DATE: 14/09/2023
TIME: 09:00

Giftedness and ADHD: Inclusive Educational Practices for Serving Elementary and Secondary School Students


educational practices, inclusion, twice exceptionality, giftedness and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

PAGES: 267
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Psicologia

Schools with an inclusive orientation can be considered as an effective way of preventing discriminatory attitudes. They provide plural educational environments that value diversity, individual interests, and skills. Over the last decades, there has been a growing interest by researchers and educators regarding gifted students who present behavioral, emotional, learning difficulties and high ability simultaneously. The overlap of these apparently antagonistic characteristics is named twice exceptionality. The purpose of this study is to analyze educational practices used in the inclusion process of three groups of students— gifted students, ADHD students, and gifted students with ADHD—of elementary and secondary school, according to school principals, teachers, family members and the students themselves. This is an investigation with a qualitative approach of multiple case study. Six students enrolled in inclusive common classes of the public education network of the Federal District (aged between 12 and 17 years), who attend specialized educational services for gifted students or students with specific functional disorders, participated in the research: two gifted female students, two ADHD male students, and two twice-exceptional students, being one female ADHD gifted student and one male gifted ADHD student. School principals, teachers and family members, totaling 20 participants, contributed to the elucidation of cases. Research information was built through semi-structured interviews with all participants, as well as interviews mediated by the production of free drawings with students. In addition, a documentary analysis of the school trajectory and development of students was carried out with the purpose of characterizing them. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the data. The results indicate that the adoption of inclusive educational practices (promoted in favor of the three groups of students) is a complex process that depends on multiple factors for its implementation: (a) public policies, (b) offer of specialized educational service, (c) academic and socioemotional support for both gifted students with ADHD and ADHD students, (d) adoption of formative assessment and compensatory practices for both gifted students with ADHD and ADHD students, (e) teacher training, and (f) involvement of the entire school community and family. In addition, it was found that specialized educational services favor the development of the high potential of gifted students and gifted students with ADHD, as well as offering support to their socio-emotional needs. It was also observed that ADHD students have more intense and persistent limitations than gifted students with ADHD with respect to academic performance, executive functions and socio-emotional issues. This study intends to contribute to the engagement of researchers, teachers, support professionals and family members regarding the development of inclusive educational practices aimed at assisting students with such characteristics. Furthermore, we hope that this research offers subsidies for the implementation of specialized educational assistance services to these students, as well as guide the implementation of public policies aimed at the inclusion of these students in common classes, particularly the ones who are gifted with ADHD.

Externa à Instituição - EMA PATRICIA DE LIMA OLIVEIRA - UMinho
Presidente - ***.134.721-** - DENISE DE SOUZA FLEITH - UCONN
Externa ao Programa - 1972785 - GABRIELA SOUSA DE MELO MIETTO - null
Notícia cadastrada em: 14/07/2023 11:59
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