Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Nathália Pereira de Oliveira

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Nathália Pereira de Oliveira
DATE: 04/04/2023
TIME: 09:00

Becoming a black woman: a psychoanalytic perspective


woman, blackness, psychoanalysis

BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Psicologia

The process of becoming black is not just based on the color of the skin, it is a developmental movement from the moment one becomes aware of the mythical discourses to be about blackness, and in this way, it enables the departure from a place of inferiority to a position of valuing and ensuring differences, especially at the psychic level, such as the creation of a new ideal of self, which does not be the white one. Thus, the general objective of the project is: to understand the psychic dimensions mobilized in the process of becoming a black woman. The specific objectives are: (1) to identify the mythical discourses brought to consciousness by black women; (2) understand the possible resignifications regarding the history itself; (3) understand the narcissistic dynamics faced by black women. The method used in tihs projetc will be the psychoanalytic one. This is based on the procedures of free association and interpretation, thus taking place a construction of meaning from the interpretation of the freely associated contents. As participants, black women with some conscious involvement with discourses on blackness will be invited, either from militancy or from the production of academic knowledge, so that they are people who have access to the demystifications that imply in becoming black, enabling access to the psychic implications that arise after this awareness. For this purpose, interviews will be conducted with these women that allow the reconstruction of their stories crossed by blackness, based on free association and the psychoanalytic interpretation method.

Externo à Instituição - Antonio Carlos Nunes de Carvalho Junior - SESDF
Externa ao Programa - 1734473 - DEISE MATOS DO AMPARO
Externa à Instituição - EDILEUZA PENHA DE SOUZA - IFB
Externa à Instituição - IOLETE RIBEIRO - UFAM
Externa ao Programa - 1122891 - REGINA LUCIA SUCUPIRA PEDROZA
Notícia cadastrada em: 03/04/2023 19:19
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