Banca de DEFESA: Carlos Alexandre Araujo Benício da Costa e Silva

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Carlos Alexandre Araujo Benício da Costa e Silva
DATE: 26/04/2024
TIME: 15:00
LOCAL: Online

Elements for the clinic of melancholy in a psychosocial care center


Melancholy; CAPS; Public Mental Health; Psychosocial Care;
Psychoanalysis; Freud; Green.

PAGES: 101
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Psicologia

Melancholy and its various connotations - not always confined to the psychoanalytic or
psychiatric realms - have accompanied humanity's development since ancient times. In contemporary
classifications, after a lengthy process marked by invisibility, including terminological suppression and
replacement, melancholy has been employed to denote a subtype within the broader scope of depression.
Considering depression as one of the afflictions that significantly impact nations - placing excessive
burdens on public healthcare systems and exerting a substantially detrimental effect on workforce
productivity - an ongoing and increasingly dense demand has heightened the production of psychotropic
medications since the 1970s. These antidepressants prove effective in treating depression, and it is through
their widespread use that one can observe the contrast that emerges between melancholy and depression.
The individual inevitably evades depression - or even manages to effectively free himself from it - but
remains under the effects of melancholy. Given this scenario, through an exploratory and also
propositional analysis, the present study seeks to present and problematize the nuances that accompany the
possibilities of psychoanalytic work in the context of brazilian public mental health and, in a more specific
way, the issues that permeate the clinic of melancholy from the experiences that take place in a
psychosocial care center (CAPS, in portuguese). For the development of this intricate task, it shows to be
of fundamental importance to (re)visit the important contributions and understandings promoted by
Sigmund Freud's and André Green's theories to the psychic constitution of melancholia and to the clinical
practice applied to it. Thus, starting from the psychoanalytic referential, specifically from the articulation
between the perspectives of Freud and Green, parto f the work aims to investigate the functioning of
melancholy in current times, that is, the characteristics of its manifestation in the population that is
assisted by the CAPS (Psychosocial Care Centers), and, most importantly, what kind of clinic can be
developed. The return to Freud shows itself inexorable when we refer to the central concepts, while Green
stands out in circumstance of its amplitude and the importance of the works developed on contemporary
psychoanalysis, so as to provide subsidies to a current contextualization. Going through angular notions,
in an intrinsic interlocution between the aforementioned theories, in this study the theme of melancholia
poses a challenge about the imposition of limits between neurosis and psychosis, the somatic and psychic
issues, the structural factors, and the demarcation of a present-day dynamic. In the face of such an attempt,
clinical management requires special attention and listening, mainly regarding the cruelty and violence
that the melancholic "I" faces - having itself as the target of destruction - a situation that leaves as marks
the paralysis in the processes of representation. And it is in this sense that, considering the historical
process of melancholy suppression, it becomes important to observe the scenario of public assistance, in
which the psychosocial care centers are found, and the place of existence they have conquered as central
components in the field of mental health. Passing through the context that favored the implementation of
the Mental Health Policy and the Psychiatric Reform, and with them the creation of these centers, the
study that follows also promotes the discussion of aspects of the CAPS constitution and functioning - as
well as the approximations of the psychoanalytic referential towards the Reform discourse - to,
subsequently, characterize and comprehend the clinic of melancholy in this context through elements such
as coexistence and the practice of group work. Thus, this study is not limited to merely questioning the
field of mental health, but also to problematizing the work of psychoanalysis in public mental health institutions.

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