Work, Gender and Mental Health: a study on the pleasure-suffering of managers in basic education
education; gender relations; psychodynamics of work; pleasure-suffering; school management.
This work will seek to understand socio-professional relations from the perspective of
the theoretical framework of Psychodynamics of Work in conjunction with Gender
Studies, fields in development, due to the lack of national research related to gender and
management issues and the need to expand research and discuss critically (Moura &
Ferreira, 2005). The theoretical framework of Psychodynamics of Work contributed to
explain the processes of mental health and work, however classical studies do not
visualize the social relations of sex/gender relations, race/ethnicity, among other
intersectionalities. This combination has proved to be a new instrument for the
reinterpretation of relationships and social phenomena (Scott, 1989). The objective of
this work is to investigate how are the experiences of pleasure and suffering of
education managers, the differences and similarities and the subjectivities in the
function of school management. This project includes five studies, one theoretical and
four empirical, in the form of scientific articles. In the 1st stage, the analysis of the
results of the elections of the public education network of the Brazilian capital was
carried out, with the objective of surveying the participation of women in school
management positions in the last 10 years, which included the last 05 elections. The
study showed a decreasing occupation of women in the positions of school
administrators. In the 2nd stage, the existing literature on the educational context was
analyzed. Results pointed to a scarcity of Gender Studies in Psychodynamics of Work,
especially in education. The 3rd stage is in process, which proposed the analysis of
semi-structured interviews (eight) and collective interviews (two) with teachers who
manage schools in the public education network. The methodological resource used
qualitative research approaches and for data analysis, the use of discourse analysis
(Coracini, 1991; Silva & Araújo, 2017).