Banca de DEFESA: Rafael Alberto Moore

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Rafael Alberto Moore
DATE: 28/02/2023
TIME: 14:00

Dating violence prevention and masculinity engagement. Needs assessment with youth men.


Masculinitys, Dating violence, Prevention, Health promotion, Needs assessment.

PAGES: 131
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Psicologia

Dating violence is a relevant topic because it impacts the mental health of young
people, being associated with a greater risk for depression and anxiety disorders and being
a predictor of marital violence. Dating violence prevention focuses on programs that
address psychoeducation about dating violence and sexism, attitudes about dating violence,
and life skills training. However, masculinities as a phenomenon associated with the
practice of male violence have received little attention, as well as dating violence
prevention programs reach less male participation. This thesis aims to produce a needs
assessment of a dating violence prevention program that favors the engagement of men in
the young adult age group. The specific objectives are: to identify and analyze factors that
may harm male engagement in dating violence prevention projects; identify and point out
factors that have the potential to improve male engagement in dating violence prevention
projects; produce at the end a protocol of measures to be adopted in order to reach the male
public in dating violence prevention projects. In order to achieve these objectives, the
logical model of the problem was elaborated according to the Intervention Mapping
approach, which consists of three steps: 1. Bibliographic review of the scope type on male
violence prevention programs in Latin America and Caribbean in the years 2010 to 2021;
2. Planning group with face-to-face and virtual meetings with members with experience in
the areas of health, education, citizenship, masculinities and human rights, aiming at
greater theoretical and practical knowledge about these areas; 3. Conducting 10 individual
interviews, with participants divided into two groups, young adults and teachers who work
with young adults addressing dating violence prevention programs, masculinities and male
engagement. The results indicate interests in themes of sexuality, gender and relationships;

structures that favor greater participation and active construction; importance of peer
evaluation in male participation in prevention programs and the fact that the program's
facilitating team has men who present a non-hegemonic model of masculinity. Programs
that address aspects of the community, inserting themes relevant to the context can achieve
greater engagement and greater sustainability. Future studies are needed to explore the
relationship between masculinities and racism, LGBTQA+ identities, ethnicities, as well as
the importance of gender in the structure of dating violence prevention programs.

Externa ao Programa - 1510391 - DAIS GONCALVES ROCHA
Interna - 1929584 - ISABELA MACHADO DA SILVA
Externa à Instituição - KARINE BRITO DOS SANTOS - UNILA
Presidente - 1713775 - SHEILA GIARDINI MURTA
Notícia cadastrada em: 06/02/2023 13:12
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