Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Pedro Martini Bonaldo

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Pedro Martini Bonaldo
DATE: 07/12/2023
TIME: 08:00

The Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS) clinic and the devices of reflective-transitional groups in the treatment of drug addiction.


toxicomaniac, groups, caps

BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Psicologia

The drug addiction clinic at CAPS faces several challenges, especially at CAPS AD, a privileged place for treating these conditions, but drug addicts are often treated in the context of general problems of the use of alcohol and other drugs without considering the specificities of this clinic and the specific processes of symbolization. When we approach health-related devices, we can highlight the importance of the concept presented by Roussillon on the creation of devices that are created tailored to the subject's symbolization capacity. These devices are responsible for promoting the emergence of symbolic forms of subjective expression within specific contexts such as the drug addiction clinic. Therefore, it is necessary to critically analyze which care devices help the process of attributing meanings based on each patient's current capacity, while at the same time rethinking the CAPS devices and the offer of groups that can favor reflexivity and transience in this clinic. In this sense, this research aims to identify in Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS) the effectiveness of devices and processes that still culminate in the institutionalization of mental health users and to propose differentiated health practices through new care devices as in a group reflective-transitional for the drug addiction clinic. This research is organized around two distinct and complementary qualitative methodologies. In the first stage to investigate the CAPS treatment processes and the conduct that can culminate in institutionalization, the constructive-interpretive method will be used, supported by Qualitative Epistemology that emphasizes the production of knowledge as a constructive-interpretive, singular and dialogical process, developed to face the challenges of scientific research on subjectivity. In the second stage of device development, clinical qualitative methodology based on psychoanalytic epistemology will be used, particularly based on the work of Roussillon, Brum and other authors from the School of Lyon-France. The first stage will feature interviews with CAPS professionals and participation in the daily life of the health service. For the second, a group will be proposed with patients treated at CAPS with problems linked to the use of alcohol and other drugs. In both stages, field diaries will be used and, in the case of the group, the meetings will be recorded and transcribed. All research material will be analyzed following the criteria of the proposed qualitative epistemologies.

Externo à Instituição - Antonio Carlos Nunes de Carvalho Junior - UnB
Presidente - 1734473 - DEISE MATOS DO AMPARO
Externa à Instituição - MARJORIE ROQUES - UBFC
Externa ao Programa - 1122891 - REGINA LUCIA SUCUPIRA PEDROZA - UnB
Notícia cadastrada em: 08/11/2023 10:39
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