Banca de DEFESA: Mary Andrea Xavier Lages

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Mary Andrea Xavier Lages
DATE: 01/09/2022
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Plataforma Teams

Bilingual theater: the theatrical performance with Deaf and Non-Deaf people in the plays Torment Twilight and The Seagull's Cry


Bilingual Theater; Deaf and Non-Deaf; Deaf Identities; Deaf Culture.

PAGES: 171
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Letras

This thesis presents aspects related to the numerous perspectives on Deaf Theater in Brazil, considering the deaf culture as the main point in the realization of this theatrical act, from the plural deaf and non-deaf identities involved in the scenic act. My experiences as an actress in the plays Crepúsculo do Tormento (Torment Twilight) and O Grito da Gaivota (The Seagull's Cry) are described here, contextualizing the theatrical practices shared both in the scenic operationalization and in the observation of the development of the plays produced by the Theater Collective En Classe et en Scène. The research has as a general objective: to analyze the bilingual theater with Deaf and Non-Deaf people, in the plays Crepúsculo do Tormento and O Grito da Gaivota, from a cultural and identity perspective; and, as specific objectives: to theorize Theater under a Political and Emancipatory perspective; to describe some deaf identities, showing how they manifest themselves in the process of theatrical construction; to show how Deaf theater can contribute to the process of emancipation of Deaf and non-Deaf people by means of cultures in contact; to discuss the processes of scenic and lighting staging of these shows; to discuss the Deaf theatrical direction of the play O Grito da Gaivota. As for the methodological processes, the research has a qualitative approach, making use of participant observation, by means of a semi-structured interview script. The research locus was the University of Brasília – UnB, where the Theater Collective En Classe Et en Scène presents and produces its shows. For data collection, a video camera was used to record in Sign Language, which was later interpreted and transcribed into Portuguese. Finally, my experiences as an actress and researcher have broadened my understanding of how to look at the other from a political, cultural, linguistic and identity perspective of subjects who impose themselves by their difference: the Deaf.

Externa à Instituição - DÉBORA CAMPOS WANDERLEY.
Externo à Instituição - João Vicente Pereira Neto
Interna - 1053124 - ROBERTA CANTARELA
Notícia cadastrada em: 01/09/2022 13:53
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