Banca de DEFESA: Ana Cristina de Castro

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Ana Cristina de Castro
DATE: 09/12/2022
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Plataforma Teams

Penalty remission in DF prisons: literature reading as public policy and human rights for minorities


Public policy; Human Rights; Literary Reading; Minorities.

PAGES: 148
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Letras

This thesis presents a study on the impacts of the penalty redemption project by reading in the Federal District, Brazil, as determined by the Federal District Trial Courts (FD/TC), based on the Ordinance TC n. 010, November 17, 2016, which priority aims to meet inmates that are unclassified for studies or professional qualification, and it covered the prison population of seventeen thousand people who are deprived of freedom. In this thesis, it is defended the reading formation in prison as a way to the resocialization of the incarcerated individual by means of the access to general reading, literary reading, and textual practices, since the penalty redemption by reading needs to be understood and ensured as a socio-educational public policy. Thus, this study had as a general objective: to investigate to what extent reading practices as a public policy to encourage reading in prisons can influence the reading formation of the people deprived of freedom as a resocialization tool for them. And as its consequences, there were the specific objectives: a) to describe the profile and formation of the deprived of freedom in spaces of extreme confinement; b) to analyze and describe the penalty redemption project by reading, as to the legal basis and the mediation strategies, as well as its execution in three prisons of the Federal District; c) to relate and analyze the indicators of adhesion, of the critical summary production, and the evaluation result between the approved and failed texts per prison unit; and d) to investigate whether the access to books and literature promotes resocialization in the lives of people who are deprived of freedom. As a theoretical contribution, the main guidelines of this study are based on the Aesthetics reception and the Reading Sociology, as well as they are articulated to contemporary studies on education in prisons. As for the methodological path, a case study was carried out with twelve deprived of liberty subjects. Mixed methods were adopted, using a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. The tool that was used for data collection was the application of a questionnaire. In addition, this study used a field research which was developed in the three Federal District penitentiaries, namely: Penitentiary of the Federal District I, Penitentiary of the Federal District II, Female Penitentiary of the Federal District. The inmates were selected by level of education: 1st level (literate people and those with incomplete elementary school), 2nd level (those with complete elementary school), 3rd level (those with complete or incomplete high school), 4th level (those with complete or incomplete higher education and postgraduate), according to the Ordinance n. 010/NOV-2016. For treatment and analysis of the data, a content analysis was performed, based on Bardin (2009). The results presented as profile: a prisoner bulk of 30 to 39 years of age among men and women, with a predominance of the black race (brown and black). It was also identified a low level of education, since mostly of the inmates participating in this study have only the Elementary School I (complete or incomplete early years of Elementary School). As for reading and literature in prison, the most read books by level of education were, respectively: at Level I (Elementary School I), the most popular books were: "The Saint and the Sow", by Ariano Suassuna; and "The Colors of Slavery", by Ieda de Oliveira. Next, at Level II (Elementary School II), the most read books were: "The man who counted" (by Malba Tahan); "The love story of Fernando and Isaura" (by Ariano Suassuna); and "Captains of the Sands" (by Jorge Amado). In sequence, at level III (High School), the inmates read "Hamlet", by William Shakespeare. Finally, at level IV (Higher Education or Post-graduation), two literary works stood out: Dom Casmurro, by Machado de Assis; and Hamlet, by William Shakespeare. It was also found that there is a great limitation and repetition of the literary collection at levels I and II, as well as at levels III and IV, a factor that reduces and damages the inmate time of participation in the project for purposes of penalty redemption by reading. Moreover, it was identified that literature and reading in prison enable the process of the inmate re-socialization, being understood in two dimensions, namely: the first as a fundamental right and a state of law which needs to be ensured and guaranteed the physical, material, economic and social well- being of the prisoner. The second, related to the alteration of the inmate's behavior, as it enables greater access to books, literature and reading as a tool to enhance reading education in prison, and it can make the individual more harmonious, accepted and productive in social experiences within the prison walls. It is urgent to improve the effectiveness of public educational management regarding the distribution and application of public resources from the Fund for Development of Basic Education (FUNDEB) to implement the educational public policies provided in the National Education Plan (NEP 2014-2024) and the District Education Plan (DEP 2014-2024) for penal establishments in the Federal District.

Presidente - 2174875 - ROBSON COELHO TINOCO
Interno - 1295798 - ANDRE LUIS GOMES
Externa à Instituição - ADRIANA DEMITE STEPHANI - UFT
Externo à Instituição - JAMESSON BUARQUE DE SOUZA - UFG
Notícia cadastrada em: 07/12/2022 16:31
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