Banca de DEFESA: Victor Hugo de Oliveira Casemiro Pereira de Amorim

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Victor Hugo de Oliveira Casemiro Pereira de Amorim
DATE: 22/12/2022
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Plataforma Teams

From that point onward, the melody rose and took all the listeners with it. Into what realm? – Four clefs, four readings, four melodies and one poetics in Michael David O’Brien’s “The Father’s Tale”


Michael David O’Brien; The Father’s Tale; Canadian Literature in English; Phenomenological Approach; Theological Æsthetics; Travel Narrative; Intertextuality; Emblems of the Heavenly Fatherhood; Philosophical Personalism; Mimetic Triangle; External Mediation.

PAGES: 314
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Letras

As the title of this thesis indicates, I propose a reading of The Father’s Tale, Michael David O’Brien’s longest novel, mediated by four hermeneutic keys. Since this

is a work of literary criticism, such proposal involves a phenomenological approach guided by theological aesthetics, which will influence, especially, the metaphorically musical reading of the text. I consider that the main theme of The Father’s Tale deals with the reconciliation of the protagonist, Alexander Graham, with the human and divine dimensions of paternity. The sonic perception of O’Brien’s narrative is derived from the understanding that it is composed of four themes that exist, simultaneously, in a harmonic whole. In other words, it is an invention in four voices. For the analysis, I present four concatenated chapters, where I propose, respectively, four harmonic reading keys for O’Brien’s text. Firstly, I analyze the relationship between the theme of the travel narrative and the displacements undertaken by the character in order to rescue his son and I conclude that the novel makes use of the representation of real space through symbols that, when connected to nostalgia, prevent Alexander’s consciousness from fragmenting and reinforce in him the sense of his mission. Next, I present an investigation about literary intertextuality, presented through allusions and explicit references, which reveal the behavior and the interiority of the character, who is an avid reader. I consider the most important mention to be the presence of the Parable of the Prodigal Son, which is linked to the great theme of rediscovery and reconciliation with fatherhood. I therefore scrutinize the emblems of heavenly fatherhood by exploring the notion of God within Christianity. Through the Trinitarian Dogma, I show how fatherhood has its origin in the First Person of the Holy Trinity and I point out that St Joseph functions as an archetype – both spiritual and literary – who will mediate between Alexander Graham and the fatherhood with which he wishes to be reconciled. I derive, from the issues presented in the third study, the writing of the fourth chapter, where I develop, through the syntagms of freedom, creativity, otherness, love and singularity, the themes of philosophical personalism and mimetic desire, which concern the triangular relationships of the character with those he meets in the course of his long journey. Hence, it was possible for me to perceive that the theme of the rediscovery of fatherhood is composed of the harmonious counterpoint of the melodies of the four subjects explored. From the analyses proposed in each chapter, I affirm, finally, that this thesis presents a relevant study on the relationship between literary writing and spirituality through the research of a novel by a contemporary author.

Externo à Instituição - REINALDO JOSÉ LOPES - USP
Externa à Instituição - Marina Arantes Santos Vasconcelos
Externo ao Programa - 2220187 - PAWEL JERZY HEJMANOWSKI
Presidente - 2654468 - WILIAM ALVES BISERRA
Notícia cadastrada em: 21/12/2022 14:42
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