Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 03/02/2023
TIME: 14:30

The Bible in the contemporary novel: Projection and rewriting from the perspective of the Character-asa-reader in the novels Galileia, by Ronaldo Correia de Brito, and The Gospel According to the Serpent, by Faíza Hayat


Bible; character as reader; reception theory; intertextuality

PAGES: 165
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Letras

The object of this thesis is the presence of the Bible in contemporary literature, focusing on the character as a reader of the Bible. We analyzed the characters of two novels in Portuguese: Galileia, a novel by Brazilian writer Ronaldo Correia de Brito, published in 2007, and the debut novel by Portuguese writer Faíza Hayat, O evangelho segundo a serpente, published in 2006. The main objective is to provide new data on biblical reception in contemporary times. Theoretical frameworks are concepts of intertextuality and reception theory. Two major reading trends were identified: The first is projection, prominent in Galileia, in which the narrator projects biblical figures and events onto his own identity and the events around him. The second is rewriting, prominent in O evangelho segundo a serpente, in which the characters make their comments, question the text and its nature, and even propose rewritings and "reformulations" of parts of the Bible. We also suggest three forms of the presence of the Bible in which intertextuality can develop: an object of mystical imagery, a target of commentary, and biblical text as a template. Based on reception theories, we consider that the text is not produced in a vacuum, as its author belongs to and is the product of a localized culture that influences its space and time, and that the text is also not received in a vacuum, because its reader is also a product of its reality, and it approaches a piece of literature from a horizon of expectations and a particular repertoire. A descriptive process was employed: identifying the biblical allusions in the novels, individually, and then analyzing each excerpt based on the following elements: the excerpt from the novel, the excerpt or biblical theme to which it refers, the character making the reference (identified as a Bible reader), and a brief analysis of the relationship between the two texts, the reading made by the character, and the interpretative processes involved. We concluded that the characters in the novels analyzed read the Bible motivated by external events. Their reflections do not have the Bible as their ultimate goal: they traverse the biblical text as they interpret other matters and, in the process, offer an interpretation of the biblical text itself. "Projection" and "rewriting" readings types are proposed to describe the main reading trends found in the two novels are just two of the many possibilities that can still be found. Finally, for future research, we propose the analysis of other fictional works that contain characters reading the Bible, to identify other trends in reading and contemporary reception of the Bible.

Interna - 1854869 - ANA HELENA ROSSI
Presidente - 7404567 - HENRYK SIEWIERSKI
Externo à Instituição - JOAO BATISTA CARDOSO - UFG
Externa à Instituição - NATALIA INÊS KLIDZIO - UMCS
Notícia cadastrada em: 31/01/2023 11:00
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