Banca de DEFESA: Neila da Silva de Souza

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Neila da Silva de Souza
DATE: 31/03/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Plataforma Teams

The Maelstrom in "One two" by Eliane Brum


One two. Maelstrom. Eliane Brum. Maternity. Epistemology of the Novel.

BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Letras

This dissertation aims to comprehend how the signifier Maelstrom – as well as its crossing - are constituted in the novel One Two (“Uma Duas” in Portuguese), a novel written by Eliane Brum. First published in 2011 by Leya Publishing House, the book was a finalist for the Portugal Telecom, São Paulo Literature and National Conference of Literature Awards. In 2014, its version in English was published in both printed and e-book formats. In 2018, a second edition was published by Arquipelago Editors. The novel shows us the narrative of a daughter, Laura, who takes care of her mother, Maria Lúcia, who is terminally ill. Although both return to live in the same space, it is as if they were still separated, due to the lack of dialogue between the two. Due to this separation, the reader starts to deal with two versions of the story, and, according to the process of telling the story itself, mother and daughter put the pieces together through this writing. In this maternal scenario, there is a silence in which the pain of the human condition is hidden, highlighting an unromanticized maternal relationship. In chapter twentytwo, the word Maelstrom appears, in the course of the narrative, isolated from the other pages on the page. Through this aesthetic choice I notice a narrative strategy that permeates from the layout of the book to the themes that involve the protagonists Laura and Maria Lúcia. Based on these considerations, I developed the first part of this research identifying the maternal Maelstrom and showing how its formation takes place through a Maelstrom that is present in the structure of the narrative. The vestiges of choices in the novel's organicity - such as the color of the letter - the mixture of narrators and the uncertainty of who narrates not only demonstrated the Maelstrom presence but also put myself, as a reader-researcher, in a game of suspicion that absorbed me. I still emphasize in this part issues that involve the universal discourse of the role of mother, and how Eliane Brum intends to subvert the ideal of mother in the conflicting relationship between Maria Lúcia and Laura. In the second part, I approach Eliane Brum's body of work, demonstrating that the term Maelstrom is part of a project of the author's aesthetic choices, being an expression that permeates the author's life and work. In addition, I point out how Eliane Brum has her experiential laboratory by publishing certain contents in her reports, interviews and events that are repeated and anticipate the publication of her books. In the third part, I work with Maelstrom in instances that concern “Uma Duas”, thinking about the condition of Being. I also try to pay attention to aspects related to the aesthetic effect in the novel. Considering the ideas and meanings involving a Maelstrom, I get into issues in which the present elements not only claim, but provide reflections on the confrontation between the aesthetic and the ethical in the work of artistic creation. In order to understand this study, it will be important to interconnect reflections within the scope of the discussions raised by the Epistemology of the Novel theory regarding the idea of play by Hans-Georg Gadamer (1997), What can I know? by Immanuel Kant (2016 ) and about the novel he thinks of Milan Kundera (2016). Supported by the perspectives of EN, my reading of One Two encouraged in me the possibility of creating strategies, as a reader-researcher. This research demonstrates that strategies creativity is born from the experience of the aesthetic object and raises, in turn, questions that led me to problematize how the Maelstrom can reach a source of knowledge about the human.

Presidente - 1157770 - ANA PAULA APARECIDA CAIXETA
Externa à Instituição - LILIAN REICHERT COELHO - UFSBA
Externa à Instituição - MARIA VERALICE BARROSO - UnB
Externa à Instituição - SUSANA SOUTO SILVA - UFAL
Notícia cadastrada em: 15/02/2023 14:05
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