Banca de DEFESA: Delma Pacheco Sicsu

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Delma Pacheco Sicsu
DATE: 28/04/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Plataforma Teams
The Stories of Amazonian writers: Modes of visualization; Modes of thought


Indigenous literature; Amazon; Cultural identity

PAGES: 225
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Letras

The Representation of the indigenous in Brazilian literature in the 19th and 20th centuries is therefore seen from the perspective of non-indigenous writers. In the 21st century, a group of indigenous writers appears, writing from their historical and social context, bringing to light the way of seeing and thinking about the world from an indigenous perspective. The indigenous theme, in this case, is taken as a background by indigenous writers, bringing up the way these people see and think about the world. The present research takes as its study the Amazonian indigenous literature of Maraguá ethnic writers in order to show that the set of texts in this literature helps in the maintenance of the cultural identity of the Amazonian man. When choosing literary texts by Amazonian indigenous writers as this research object of study, opens up the possibility of giving these texts the status of a work of art and defending their legitimation in the academic space, since, although it is the result of an uneducated culture, the themes and issues surrounding the condition are as present as those in canonical literature. The research is divided into three chapters so that in the first one it is discussed about literature and the formation of the reader, about oral literature as an object of art and as a literary manifestation that contributes significantly to the formation of the reader as it is also a field of knowledge about the way of seeing and thinking the world of autochthonous peoples. The second chapter deals with indigenous literature as an object of art and as a way of learning about autochthonous peoples who now through art have the possibility of talking about the indigenous to the reader through the eyes of the indigenous writer. The third and last chapter is dedicated to analyzing the indigenous literature of the Maraguá ethnicity, in order to identify in the myths, legends, cuisine and other aspects, the cultural identity of the Amazonian man reflected in these texts. The research in question is based on scholars who theorize about oral and canonical literature, myth, identity, indigenous literature and other issues present in this study.

Presidente - 2189270 - DANGLEI DE CASTRO PEREIRA
Externo à Instituição - ALLISON MARCOS LEÃO DA SILVA - UEA
Externa à Instituição - LUZIA APARECIDA OLIVA - UNEMAT
Notícia cadastrada em: 25/04/2023 14:04
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